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About Fruits Basket...

A lot of people have been asking for Fruits Basket Information but since there are tons of furuba sites out there (with practically just the same content and info) I didn't add it anymore to my site. If you are really, really itching to know more about Furuba, then I shall direct you to some helpful sites...

Fruit Medley - A good page with comprehensive Fruits Basket Information for the overly curious

Fruits Basket Seiyuu (voice actor) information - List of Fruits Basket Seiyuu I've compiled

We-ell, if you want MORE links, just head over the the fruits basket webring

Alrighty? ^ O ^


e-to.. have only a few links ^ ^

Personality Tests

Which Fruits Basket character are you?

Actually, my little sister found 2 tests but I lost the site.. It's around google somewhere... I got Souma Yuki on both. *ponders on that* (hmmm...) O_o

Hehe.. I love taking personality tests... you never know who's gonna pop out. Heard of Hikaru no Go? It's a pretty good anime/manga...  and you get to learn 'Go' too ^.^o Http://