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Welcome to Deaths Door

Hi! Welcome to my websight. Congrats on making it here. That was some serious skills there. This website is slowly beginnging to get up and running. Right now I am just putting on the intial face. I plan for this sight to be a Web Comic directory, and at one point I hope to put up my own webcomic. But I want to have the entire story drafted out before I put anything up. This is to help decrease delay's and stuff like that, since I have day's where I feel like I could write an entire novel, and day's where I have a hard time thinking of a single comprehensive sentence. So Don't even expect that until far off in the future. Like REALLY far off. Until then this is just going to be a listing of really good comics, I will try to keep my links up and running, and warn you when links have shut down. But as I said this is just Perlimanary stuff right now. Oh everybody thank my brother Tommy-kins for helping me out to make this website. He just hates it when I call him that.

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