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  Hello again everyone.  My name is Matt and you have stumbled upon my realm. A place where the rules bend to my will and reality doesn't usually exist.  If you have any comments or questions, please contact me at

Oh, and real quick, all ideas, written works, and thoughts contained herein (that means anywhere on my site) are property of me *points to self*. They may not be copied, sold, stolen via osmosis, reproduced, or otherwise used without my expressed written permission.  You wouldn't steal from a broke college kid wouldya?



This is the new beginning!

Alright, this is a place I use to vent my creative side. I post short stories (fiction), poetry (random), and quotes from friends (hilarious). If you're not here for any of those, sorry, leave before you're more disappointed. For those of you who are here to see my works of genius (haha, yea right) there's buttons above for navigation that'll take you anywhere you want to go. Thank you for visiting and don't hesitate to SEND ME SOME FEEDBACK! I now officially declare my realm reopened for ... business? Sure, why not.