Okay so at first my fics and your fics were seperate, then I merged them, then I realised I've written quite a lot and my table's kind of taking over lol, so I've decided to seperate the sections again. So, here are you fanfics! :D Thanks for your contributions guys!
p.s. Most of these fics are on fanfiction.net, so please review when when you're finished to let the authors know how they're doing :) Also if you have anything to submit donations are MORE than welcome, I want to get this section full of your fics! So if you've got something just email me a link or send me a txt/doc file and I'll make a page for it on this site. Anything is welcome (as long as it's DBZ related!), all I ask is that it's properly rated so nobody gets shocked lol ;)

Zarbon and Dodoria think Freeza needs a GIRLFRIEND! So Freeza is asked to handle this rebel... but he doens't know it's a GIRL!

Frieza's family and a few of his henchmen find out what he and his top henchman have really been doing in their spare time...
A story of how Frieza grew up.

Freeza is dying and Zarbon takes care of him. **Freeza/Zarbon coupling**

A Chibi Frieza story involving the strange alliance between Kold and King Vegeta. Is there more tratoriouness than meets the eye? Why was Frieza's mother ill, and what other reason could there have been that she had been destroyed?
Have you ever wandered why the heck Frieza hated the Saiyajin so much? I mean, come on! There has to be an explanation!
Frieza's got a girlfriend! In this story Frieza is forced to think of someone other than himself, 'cool' down a bit and start a family. With the whole blood line at stake can he convince a certain some one to marry him?
A little look into what Frieza thinks about his new baby girl.
Scarlet, Frieza's daughter, goes to Earth and informs Goku and the gang about a little secret. After she is through talking something happens to her. Who did this? (Gargoyles cross - over)
Scarlet has come home at last and Frieza is up to his old schemes again! The only question is how strong has he gotten and can Legendary Super Sayijin Goku defeat him?!
Goten and Scarlet have grown closer as time progresses. Now they are good friends, but in this story could they be something more?
Ehem! A little fic I dreamed up. And I can't go into detail... but if you already read the series your interested right? This is a very depressing story, but don't worry... you feel better by the end.
Scarlet and Goten are now at peace in their lives... but what chaos awaits them? Hey Frieza, do you know that woman with the purple eyes? Could it be... Lady Pyro? Watch it King Kold! Maybe you've pushed Frieza to far this time! Tenchi and Aliens cross over
Lemon Warning! What happened when Usher went back to his universe? You figure it out. ^_^ This is something a few people have asked for. I don't know why but some people wanted Usher and Scarlet have a thing for each other. Go figure. Have fun reading.
By Tituba Parris & Majarisan
Something Bk1stheman and Tituba whippped up one night. Enjoy ^_^
By Tituba Parris & Bk1stheman

<==Bloodlust==> Palace of Lord Frieza since 12th May 2004