Reasons To Dump Frieza

So this is for those of you that are currently dating Frieza and need an excuse to leave him.

1) Your mother doesn't like him.
2) Your father doesn't like him.
3) YOU don't like him.
4) He blows up your planet and lies about it for 26 years.
5) He tries to kill you and/or your family.
6) He cheats on you with your best friend or brother/sister.
7) You find out he's gay and in denial and you can't deal with his identity crisis.
8) You find out he's been seeing Zarbon since before you even met.
9) He finally gets the Dragonballs and doesn't consult you before making a wish.
10) He wishes for something that goes against you or your beliefs.
11) His drink problem is getting out of hand so you give him an ultimatum - he picks booze.
12) Your families don't get along.
13) Your families get along a little too well and your mother starts dating King Kold and... things just feel weird.
14) You realise Coola is older, stronger, smarter, better looking and has a bigger empire. Go figure.
15) He comes back as a Cyborg and DOESN'T visit you before going off to get his precious revenge on that stupid monkey.
16) He won't shut up about owning the universe and killing Goku. It starts to get tedious.
17) He NEVER lets you pick the planet to blow up.
18) He's too bossy and talks to you like you're his servant.
19) He's too freaky in the bedroom.
20) You hate his kid, and in turn the kid hates you and you're convinced he's plotting to kill you.
21) Out of all of his 4 forms none of them are that good in bed and it's incredibly disappointing.
22) You start to realise he's NEVER going to rule the universe. You're wasting your time.
23) He's called you 'Zarbon' too many times for it to be a mistake.
24) He wants to have a kid with you and call it Vegeta.
25) He has a gerbil named Goku.
26) He spends way too much time with Cell; those guys can't just be friends.
27) He never tells you where he's going at night but you're never allowed to come, and when he returns it's in the early hours of the morning and he's wearing fishnets and makeup.

<==Bloodlust==> Palace of Lord Frieza since 12th May 2004