Here are some of my favourite Frieza sites, and a couple of other sites of mine.

Please email me if you want me to put a link to your site up here, my address is I don't really mind what you put as the email subject, as long as you put one so I know it isn't just another guy trying to sell me pills.

The Zarbon Shrine: One of the greatest shrines on the web! Devoted to Frieza's loyal sidekick Zarbon, it's full of links, images, fanart, fanfiction, character profiles, downloads, adoptions and much more!

Temple O' Trunks: Another classic fansite, full of media, games, humour, downloads, links, info... pretty much everything you need!

Dragon Ball Wiki: hotspot for Dragon Ball Discussion, and Blogs: It's basically a Wikipedia for all things DBZ related :) Not only has it got like chat and a bunch of forums, it is FULL of info on the characters, anime, manga, video games and much more! It also holds a lot of great and rare pictures too!

A Shrine to Frieza: one of my old hangouts from back in the day, I didn't visit this site a great deal but I did hang in from time to time, so I think it deserves to be here. As the title says, it's a shrine to Frieza: pics, info, humour, the works! And my favourite part, a 'No Saiyans Allowed' door :p

B-Chan's Homepage: a wonderful DBZ page full of fanart, fanfics, manga, sexy DBZ calenders, and much more!

My old Frieza website, it has all the sounds and images from this one (a little less images, I think) but there are funny captions on the sounds page. Other than that, it's pretty rubbish. That's why I moved ^_^'

Planet #79
My other DBZ site, devoted entirely to my fanfic series, The Saiyans. In all honesty, it kind of got abandoned ^_^' But if you like The Saiyans, go there and maybe one day I'll get off my backside and put some content on it.

Frieza's Shrine
A very pretty Frieza shrine full of info, media and fun stuff!

The Organisation
A website a couple of friends and I set up. The above site was created by my to be the Frieza section of this one. There's also a Goku and Vegeta section made by my friends with images and fun stuff.

FanFiction.Net - Unleash Your Imagination: Okay so this isn't really a DBZ site, but it is by far the most popular fanfiction site on the net. I and pretty much all of my author friends use this site to host our fanfiction. It's not perfect (*is saying that because they won't let me host my script format fics! Grr!*) but it's definitely the best place to put your fics if you want to guarantee they'll get seen - it even gives the readers the option to review your fics so you know how your stuff is being received ^_^

Oh, and if you want to link me, here's a nice pretty banner for ya:-

<==Bloodlust==> Palace of Lord Frieza since 12th May 2004