Hey! So now that I'm back on the site I figured it was time to give this section a well overdue refurb... I actually thought to do it a couple of months ago but kept forgetting lol, I guess it's just not a very important section :p
Anyway, a brief summary of the girl behind the genuis:-

Name: Vickychan (fanfiction.net), Lady Vi Tokyo (everywhere else)
Age: Born in 1988... I am NOT going to update this every year, so work it out :p
Job: Barmaid and loving it! (Seriously, I want my own pub.)
Family: Parents, one younger sister, one boyfriend, one daughter (Susie, she's 15 :) She's also feline haha, I got her for my 8th birthday, she's my baby ^_^)
Favourite Actor: Hugh Grant for comedy purposes, Jason Statham for... other purposes.
Favourite Actress: Not really got one, Resse Witherspoon and Kiera Knightley maybe.
Favourite Films: Snatch, Lock Stock... pretty much anything with Jason in it. Also horrors and comedies, Paranormal Activity and The Hangover were cool.
Favourite Anime: DBZ and Oh My Goddess
Favourite Music: Kind of everything. I like brazilian, latin, arabic, dance, country, rock, rap, some indie and R&B... Secondhand Serenade is pretty cool, also Meat Loaf and David Bowie, Lily Allen's got a place. I'm really not fussy lol.
Hobbies: Writing, I tend to do more original works these days but I guess the saiyans fics are a side-hobby. I also go food shopping, clean the house... and manage to find time to socialise when I'm finally off work lol.

Okay so I guess that's the basic stuff... if you want to know anymore feel free to drop me an email, or just read my fics. I figure you can tell what sort of messed up stuff I'm into by looking at those things. See ya!

<==Bloodlust==> Palace of Lord Frieza since 12th May 2004