
Welcome everybody!
To Bloodlust, a website dedicated to the one and only Lord Frieza! Why? Well... because he's awesome :p
So browse around and marvel at the great Lord himself; if you have anything you want to submit to the site like fics, images, videos etc, or just if you have some suggestions feel free to email them over to coldphoenix1@hotmail.com (link in the left side panel), and of course the number one rule: remember to sign the guestbook ;) haha x


4th June 2017
So I haven't been on this site in a while. I'm still in the fandom and still writing my DBZ fics, but I've just been hanging around tumblr and DA lately... I don't think anybody comes to this website ^_^' And now that I have a kid and plenty of other life things (one of which is my original story that I'll hopefully be publishing soon, yay!) I just don't have the time for this page.
So! This is me officially moving out. I won't shut this page down, and my email address is still coldphoenix1@hotmail.com so if you want me to add anything to the site or if you notice any bugs or anything please let me know and I'll fix it :) but for the foreseeable future at least I'll be around elsewhere. You can find me in these places:-

tumblr (@coldphoenix) - my main tumblr page.
tumblr (@demoniclovedbz) - my Namekian tumblr, for my King Piccolo/Frikiza fics and everything else Namekian.
DeviantArt - username coldphoenix1.
ArchiveOfOurOwn - username coldphoenix. I'll be using this site for all my future fics.
fanfiction.net - username Vickychan. I'm still using this site, but I don't post everything here because of rating restrictions. I'll probably spend more time on A03 from now on.
Ko-fi - my donation page for those that want to support my work :)

Okay! So... that's everything. Thank you very much for visiting this page. I hope you've enjoyed your time here, and hopefully I'll see you around :) Take care! Also, um... feel free to buy me a coffee if you like what I do. I do most of my writing in cafes so you will literally be buying me a coffee that I will drink whilst writing lol. Anyway ^_^
Take care of yourselves, and thank you for visiting this site :)
~ Lady Vi

16th April 2016
I added a new section, Lady Vi's OCs. Over the years I've thought about organising my OCs because I have so many... so finally, I did. I'll update it as I go along, but right now it features Viola, Frikiza and Zarba.
~ Lady Vi

14th April 2016
I added Piccolo Day to the timeline (May 9th). Also I removed the content font size instruction from the coding on all my main pages (I think I did it for the fic pages a while ago, but I'll double check tomorrow), and I fixed the image captions in all the Images pages, because they weren't displaying due to the HTML being too old.
Also I added a link to Am I Still Beautiful To You? by Freeza's Woman in the My Fan Poems section, because this fic inspired a couple... I had it credited before, just not linked, so now it's linked :)
That's all for now, and I put more entries into Update History.
~ Lady Vi

12th April 2016
I have a small collection of funny DBZ images now, so I added a funny pictures section to the Fun Stuff column. None of the images are mine and I have no idea where they originated, so if any of them are yours and you want me to take them down then please tell me and I will do so, and if you don't mind me having them on this site then please tell me which ones are yours so I can credit and link you :) Thanks!
~ LV

13th March 2016
I added another page of the Demonic Love comic done by TheBombDiggity666. Also, I put more updates in Updates History. I want to keep this site tidy.

<==Bloodlust==> Palace of Lord Frieza since 12th May 2004