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The Realm of Darkness

Wednesday, 15 December 2004

The Year of near its end!!
Mood:  on fire
Greetings, everyone!! Many things have changed for the best. I have a new love in my life and will soon be a father to a lovely baby girl who will go by the name of Cerendity. She is due in April. Also, I know I have been preaching about putting some artwork and other stuff up but this I will work on that. It has been a long time since I have been online dued to certain things that are going on in my life. Finally, I will have my own place very soon. Now that's good news. A place I can call mine. All mine!! To tell you guys and gals the truth, I haven't been drawing in a while but that's going to change. Well, I am getting back into Duel Monsters(Yu-Gi-Oh, for us big kids out there) and I will have an all-powerful dragon deck pretty soon so bring on the duelists!!! Well, as the title stated the year of the monkey is coming to an end but good things have come out of it. I'll have to wait another 12 years to see what the next year of the monkey shall bring. I have noticed one thing about myself...although I am a crazy goofball with a nice, forget about!! There I go thinking too damn much again!! Well, I will start to make this site into the marvel its suppose to be. More will come to this so watch out and be amazed. Changes are among the mist and a tsunami of cool stuff is coming soon. Peace to everyone, happy holidays, and have a hell of a new year cause I know I will!! See ya, folks!!

Posted by anime5/blackleviathan99 at 7:04 PM EST
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Monday, 22 December 2003

Been a long time......I have returned to the light!!!
Well, I haven't been online in a while until now. I'm really trying to understand HTML but it's not an overnight thing, y'know. Well, it's that time of year again...yes, the holidays are here!!! Gifts, gifts and more gifts!! Video games in the house!!! Kissing and cuddling to that special someone....but it's not fun when you are alone but it's great with friends and family so to everyone in the world....Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!! Good things are on the horizons, you just wait and see!!! Well, from my resent studies, next year will be.....the Year of the Monkey!! This is my year to shine really bright!! Good things and tough challenges await for me. You're probably wondering what the heck am I talking about Year of the Monkey, huh? Well, I get it from Chinese Astrology. I love to read about the horoscopes and the Chinese horoscope is really cool!! I'll talk about it about later if you all are interested. I might be wrong about it being the Year of the Monkey next year but I'll double check it to make sure. Well, once I have a scanner, I'll put up my artwork for the world to see but for right now my stories will have to do. Well, once I figure out a little something about HTML then I'll be rockin this site, ya'll!! Well, peace and good will to everyone!!!

Posted by anime5/blackleviathan99 at 8:41 PM EST
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Sunday, 22 June 2003

Greetings to you mere mortals!! I am a year more powerful!! MWA!! HAA! HAAA!!!
Well, to a great surprise, my birthday went okay. I had a party, quite small, in my honor. I had four hamburgers and some beanie weenies (yummm!!!). I got a free phone card, a birthday card signed by my friends, and the ATLiens Outkast CD(Yes, I know the CD is old but I didn't even own a copy until now). Well, as usual, I was playing video games to my heart's content. I must say that although I am in Afghanistan doing my Army thing, my birthday went okay. My anniversary is on the 24th of this month and my best friend/favorite sister's birthday is on the 26th. I better send her a e-card or she will kick my goof-troop ass to the moon. Lol!!! Well, thanks to her and my motivation, this site is coming along pretty well. Kami, thanks so much!! Well, I had the day off on my B-day as well. Now that's good!! Well, I am working on a comic, or two, and hopefully they will be posted up soon. Well, I'm outta here for now and.....well, bye!!

Posted by anime5/blackleviathan99 at 9:15 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 June 2003

Finally it is nearly done!! My very own site!! YESSSSS!! Well, I didn't think it would come out so well but it's all good. Oh, this would be my first entry....hmm. Well, hell I am still in Bagram, Afghanistan with only a month to go. Now that's good. Well, also it will be my birthday on Saturday,June so thrilled to say this). Hell, I am in Afghanistan celebrating my B-day!! This just beats all!! Oh, and you people better not forget my lil sister's, Kamikaze, birthday which is on June 26th!! My wrath shall hurt you all. Hey, just send her an e-card or sumething. Well, sign me guestbook and let me know what you think. I will have some artwork and short stories up on here soon with help from Kami. Other than that,just keep your eyes peeled and wait to be amazed with my style!! See ya!!

Posted by anime5/blackleviathan99 at 8:08 AM EDT
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