Zoids Fanfic

Wicked Eagle P1

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: Zoids and it's characters, Jamie, Bit, Leena, Brad, and Doctor Toros do not belong to me, unfortunately or else I'd be rich, so you better think twice about suing me!

Summary: Doc's away for a few days. What happens when a deranged and angry Wild Eagle takes over the Blitz team base and wont let Jamie back in control? Rape, torture, violence, and humiliation--- Wild Eagle/Brad, Wild Eagle/Leena, Wild Eagle/Bit, Bit/Brad, Bit/Brad/Leena parings.

   "You guys behave while I'm gone!" Doc waved back at his daughter as he drove off in the jeep to town where he had to give a lecture on how to run a successful Zoid's team at a special Zoid's Commission event. The gang had begged to be allowed to go, but only team leaders were allowed. So, he left the base in their hands and tried to still that nagging worry that pestered him. They'll be all right, he thought. I'm just being overly protective.

   Jamie, meanwhile, was trying to make lunch.

   "It'll take longer for me to cook this if you guys keep butting in and asking when it'll be ready!" He didn't bother to hide the exasperation in his voice and bravely shoved Leena out for the fifth time. He could hear Brad and Bit shouting for their food in their usual, annoying chant.

   He was really getting tired of that routine. No one appreciated him, well, except for maybe Bit, but his lover's appreciation only stretched so far. He was expected to keep the base running smoothly and without any help. It was hard. Too hard and he was getting tired of it. Finally, when he was finished with lunch he placed all the food on the server cart and pushed it to the continually bickering trio at the table.

   "Jeeze! It's about time, Jamie!" Leena said crabbily.

   Jamie furrowed his brow and rammed the cart into the table. "If you guys want your food fixed so damn fast, then hire a servant! At least then they'd get paid to listen to you bitch at them!" He stormed off in an angry huff leaving startled silence in his wake.

   "What's with the kid?" Brad asked Bit.

   Bit shrugged. They all began to eat despite a conspicuously absent Jamie.

   Jamie hunkered himself down in the laundry room, pulling clothes out of the dryer and began to automatically fold his team mates clothes. He was inwardly seething and muttered angrily to himself as he folded someone's underwear. No one even came to see what was wrong after his outburst. He felt totally frustrated and stared at Brad's briefs, which he was folding. Then he blinked. What was he doing? Why was he doing everyone's chores? He rumpled Brad's briefs into a ball in his fist and tossed it back down into the basket with everyone else's clothing except for his own. Then he grabbed up all the clothes and put it into the basket unfolded and headed towards where his team mates were eating.

   Jamie took the basket and upended it of its contents on top of his friends and without a word, walked off again.

   "Jamie?" Bit called after the silent form but Jamie ignored him and disappeared.

   Brad had one of Leena's bra's dangling off of his head and Bit had Brad's colorful briefs on his shoulder.

   "Purple. Very nice, Brad." Bit said glibly.

   "Give me that!" Leena lunged at her private article on the mercenary's head, blushing. "Bit, you'd better go and see what's wrong with him. This isn't like Jamie at all. Something is really bugging him. You're the boyfriend. Go play the caring and concerned lover!" She gave him a shove.

   Bit obeyed and hurried after an obviously upset Jamie. He wondered what was up with the kid lately. Jamie had been acting funny since Harry had left. He'd been distant and even a little more depressed than usual. Bit had tried to make the kid realize he was loved and was very important to Bit, but that didn't seem to help. This was the first real angry outburst Jamie had shown in a long time and Bit wondered what was up. Jamie wasn't talking about it and it was time he did. So, the Lyger warrior searched the base for his mate and found Jamie strapping himself into the Raynos.

   "Jamie! Where are you going? Wait!" Bit yelled up to the disgruntled pilot.

   "I'm going to cool off for a while. I can't do that here. I'll be back whenever I'll be back, don't wait up!" Jamie snapped and closed the cockpit. He fired up the Raynos's jets and sailed out of the hanger without another word.

   Bit scowled and hurried over to the main com in the control room. He flicked open the switch that would let him talk with the Raynos.

   "Hi, I'm looking for a stunningly good looking young pilot. Dark hair, nice body, and good in bed, you by the chance haven't seen him, have you stranger?" Bit's voice came over Jamie's com system. Normally, Bit's teasing comment would have brought a smile to Jamie's lips, but today, he was too mad and his cute face remained stony and unmoving. "Ja-a-a-a-a-a-a-amie-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e!"

   "Knock it off, Bit, I'm not coming back for a while. I need some space away from you people." Came Jamie's curt and no nonsense reply.

   Bit frowned. "Come on, Baby. What's wrong? You can tell me."

   Jamie shook his head, even though he refused to switch on the visual's and he knew the blonde warrior wouldn't see his movement. "Don't 'Baby' me! Jamie out!" And Jamie cut the link forcibly but felt like he was totally justified in his anger. He was totally unappreciated there. He was almost a slave, except he was sort of paid. Not nearly enough for what he had to put up with, though, he knew. He sighed. He supposed he shouldn't have snapped at Bit like that without explaining himself, but he didn't feel like apologizing right then. He needed to blow off some steam big time or else he'd just loose it, he knew.

   Bit sat back and chewed on his bottom lip. Jamie was really pissed off for some reason. He wouldn't even talk with him. Bit glumly walked back to his interrupted lunch and sat down. The clothes had been shoved into a disordered pile in the corner and Brad and Leena had never stopped eating.

   "So?" Leena ventured to ask Bit.

   Bit shrugged and sat down at his place, "Jamie took off in the Raynos. Said he had to cool off. Wouldn't talk with me at all!"M

   "You just let him go?" Brad asked surprised. "You should have followed him. Who knows, it might be what he wanted you to do. Give chase. He might think you don't care enough about him if you wont even try to go after him."

   Bit blinked. He hadn't even thought of that! "But, I don't even know where he went! It's too late now." He sighed. Gosh, he felt really dense sometimes!

   Brad leveled a look at Bit, "Bit, a relationship just doesn't happen when it's convenient for you. It takes work, all the time. You can't slack in a relationship. It doesn't work that way. Maybe Jamie's feeling a little bit neglected."

   "But, we share the same bed every night. I sit with him during meal times. He knows I love him, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong."

   "It takes more than that." Brad went on. "Do you hang out with him during down time? And what about when he's cooking or cleaning? Do you help him?"

   "He never asks for any." Bit said in defense.

   "He shouldn't have to. You should be there for him like he is for you. Jeeze, Bit!" Brad said disgusted suddenly. "Don't you know anything about dating?"

   "I know plenty!" Bit retorted angry now.

   "Whatever." Brad sighed and decided he was sick of arguing about it.

   Strained silence predominated afterwards for the remainder of lunch. Afterwards, Leena left with an armful of her laundry, leaving her dishes. Brad likewise. Bit sat there, staring at the pile of dirty dishes and alternately at his clean clothes still heaped in a messy array. He thought of Jamie and grudgingly thought that Brad might be right. He guiltily started to clean up the dishes off of the table and washed them. Then he gathered up his laundry and did his own folding. It was a lot of work. He couldn't imagine doing it every day, day in and day out. Poor Jamie! He'd make it up to the kid when he returned after his tantrum cooled.

   Jamie didn't have any specific place he wanted to go so he just enjoyed flying with no coordinates to worry about. He sat back and enjoyed the feeling of flight. It was one of the only times when he felt he was free. But the anger lingered and he couldn't relax. He found himself leaning on the stick, making the Raynos go faster. He hesitated once he realized what he was doing but then scowled at himself. Screw it! If he let Wild Eagle take over, maybe things would be better. Wild Eagle wouldn't let them treat him like the way they treated Jamie. He shoved the stick to its limit and the Raynos shrieked its joy at being allowed to go full throttle. The sound barrier ushered in the appearance of an angry Wild Eagle.

   Wild Eagle took the controls and made the Raynos complete a tight spin and then leveled out again. He could feel the residual feelings that Jamie had felt just when the transformation happened. It angered him like nothing had before. Well, Jamie might not be strong enough to do anything about it, but Wild Eagle was going to kick some serious ass back at the base!

   Bit was in his room that he and Jamie now shared. He assembled the final blade onto his blade Lyger model. Satisfied, he leaned back to enjoy his efforts. He enjoyed putting the Zoid's model's together, but he didn't actively play with them like the Doc. But he did have every Lyger model there ever was on display on a shelf in his room. And among those Lyger's was a single Raynos painted in green to represent Jamie. My Zero Schneider is way better than the blade Lyger, he thought proudly. Then he heard his door slide open.

   "Jamie?" He began to turn around. The kid had been gone for hours. It was almost dinnertime. But he didn't ever get to see who had come to see him for he felt a sharp blow to the back of his head and he slumped down into his chair, unconscious. Then he was dragged away.

   Brad was doing leg weights in the weight training room. He was in the middle of a set of reps when a towel soaked in ether was snugly placed over his nose and mouth. The mercenary didn't even have time to struggle and was quickly overcome. He too was dragged away from the scene of the crime.

   Leena was looking through a magazine at all the different gun mounts that would fit onto her Gunsniper. Oooh! I'll get Dad to buy me that one for my birthday! And that one for Christmas! And that one just because I'm his favorite daughter in the whole world! She thought happily as she turned to the next page to see what treats were in store. But she didn't get to for she also received a blow to the head and teetered forward, her forehead now bonked onto the table. She too was dragged off.

   Bit was the first to wake up. His head hurt. What happened? The blonde opened his eyes to see what was going on. First thing he realized was that he was hanging suspended from the ceiling on a series of runners. His wrists and ankles were bound together by chains that were attached to the tracks that ran along the floor and ceiling. Then he realized that he was in the secondary storage chamber and he was attached to the equipment used to move heavy freight. Then he also realized that he was buck-naked. Leena! He thought angrily. He hadn't done anything to her--- recently! Then he heard someone moaning nearby and looked around some more. Jeeze, it was Leena! She was tethered just like him... and just as naked. He'd never seen her naked before. But somehow, this just wasn't the way he had imagined it would have happened.

   "What the Hell?" Sounded an angry voice beside him that was Brad.

   Well, well, so that's what Brad looked like naked. Not bad, Bit thought. The mercenary was also chained up just as he and Leena were.

   "Who did this?" Brad growled and struggled against his chains but it was useless.

   Leena woke up, she felt groggy and lifted her head in confusion. Then she spied Bit and Brad a little ways across the room from her. "What?" Her jaw dropped at the site of their naked bodies. "OH!"

   "Well, look who's talking, Leena." Brad said sourly.

   "Huh?" Leena looked down then blushed in a major way. She too wore nothing but her birthday suite. "Who DID THIS???!? I'll make them pay for doing this to me!" She screamed and writhed in her chains.

   "You guys never change. Even when you're restrained and totally helpless, all you can think about is yourselves." A haughty voice taunted them.

   Bit and Brad couldn't see who it was for the owner of the voice had come in through the door behind them. But if she leaned over a little, Leena could. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

   "Wild Eagle?" She said shocked. "Y-y-you did this? Why?"

   He was just as naked as everyone else, but he was free to walk around and he came jauntily into the room to survey his prisoners. God, all her team mates had such amazing bodies, she found herself thinking then blushed again as she caught Wild Eagle staring at her form and turned her head away, wishing she could cover herself. She was so embarrassed.

   "Why are you doing this?" Bit demanded.

   Wild Eagle turned and smirked at his lover, "To teach you ungrateful bunch a lesson. A lesson you'll never forget! A lesson in pain and humiliation!"

   "You're crazy!" Brad retorted and then wished he didn't say anything because Wild Eagle gave him a very funny look.

   Wild Eagle came up close to a restrained Brad who tried to pull away from the sneering face of his altered team mate. He hung there and tried to plead with his friend.

   "Wild Eagle, you know you can't do this. Please, release us and we'll get you some help."

   Wild Eagle reached up and caressed Brad's face. "That wimp Jamie might not be able to do this, but I can! I'm Wild Eagle. I can do anything!"

   Brad hung there and tried to jerk his head back but Wild Eagle leaned forward and it was obvious the kid was planning to kiss him, which was the last thing in the world he wanted. But Wild Eagle wouldn't be put off and leaned in even more. Frustrated, Brad retaliated the only way he could. He head butted his team mate and Wild Eagle wobbled back slightly, surprised at the attack. Wild Eagle snarled and grabbed Brad's head to restrain it.

   "Don't, Wild Eagle!" Leena cried from where she hung.

   "You'll be next, don't worry." Wild Eagle responded and leaned in again to kiss a very reluctant Brad.

   "I'm warning you, Wild Eagle!" Brad couldn't shake his head free from the kid's grip.

   Brad could feel the kid's breath on his face and tried to wriggle free. But Wild Eagle pressed in and Brad had to think fast. He bit down on Wild Eagle's lip--- hard, hard enough to draw blood.

   Wild Eagle howled in pain but Brad wouldn't let go. Wild Eagle tried to get away from his attacker but Brad held onto the bleeding bottom lip. Wild Eagle let go of Brad's head and started to pound on Brad's bare chest. Brad decided to let him go. Wild Eagle staggered back and sucked on his injured lip and glared at a grinning Brad.

   "So, you don't want me to kiss you on the lips?" Wild Eagle asked through the pain.

   "You got it, pal." Brad replied, hoping against hope his team mate wouldn't try again.

   Wild Eagle glared at him for a second then his face changed and turned the scowl into an evil grin. "Very well. I wont kiss you on the lips. But I know a place that is SO much better--- " He let that idea sink into Brad who now paled.

   "No, Wild Eagle!" This was from Bit who struggled uselessly against his restraints.

   But Wild Eagle knelt down before the nude Brad and smiled up with a wicked gleam in his eyes at the petrified Zoid warrior.

   Brad mouthed the word 'No' but no sound came out. Brad shut his eyes, unwilling to watch what he knew what was about to take place. He jumped when he felt hands close around his cock and hated the fact that he trembled in Wild Eagle's grip. Please, he thought to himself, this isn't happening!

   Then he gasped as he felt a hot wetness envelope his dick and paled even further. Leena stared for a moment, mouth agape as she watched Wild Eagle suck Brad in front of herself and Bit. Then, embarrassed, for herself and for Brad, she looked away and closed her eyes, trying not to hear the sounds at the other end of the room.

   Brad couldn't help himself. He moaned and panted and through reddening cheeks finally came into Wild Eagle's mouth. Oh God! He groaned and wouldn't look at Wild Eagle.

   "Brad?" Bit questioned his friend, hoping his head wasn't screwed up too badly. Figuratively that is, he amended. "You okay?"

   "Fuck NO! I'M NOT OKAY!" Brad shouted angrily! "When I'm set free, I'm gonna pound on this shithead until he's unconscious! I don't care that he's Jamie and can't control his actions while he's Wild Eagle! No one gets away with doing that to me!"

   "Brad!" Bit warned his friend.

   "I'm sorry, Bit! But NO! This pisser is going to get what's coming to him!" Brad yelled at a grinning Wild Eagle who made a show of it as he licked Brad's cum from his lips. Brad curled his lips in a sneer, "No one treats me like I'm their bitch!"

   Ignoring Brad's tirade, Wilde Eagle slowly approached a trembling Leena. He looked her naked body up and down. She was actually pretty, he decided. He reached up and cupped her breast and Leena shivered.

   "Please don't do it, Wild Eagle!" Leena whimpered and continued to tremble as he came face to face with her. She looked deeply into his eyes as his hand never moved from her breast. She tried to look into him and find the descent, good, and gentle part that was Jamie. But she couldn't see Jamie in those awful eyes that looked hungrily back into hers. Those eyes now held some strange rage and Leena had to wonder where it had come from. "Jamie?" She asked, knowing the kid was long gone and this other, more horrendous version of Wild Eagle was firmly in place.

   She blinked in surprise as she was sharply slapped in the face.

   "Don't say that pathetic loser's name to me again!" Wild Eagle hissed at her.

   Was that it? She thought to herself and tried to still the trembling fit that wracked her body. Was Wild Eagle fed up with Jamie? Considered him weak and got tired of being in the passenger seat? And now he was doing the things that would horrify the kid in order to punish him? Hurt the ones that Jamie loved? Or was it something else? She had no idea. Then she gasped as he brushed his fingers over her nipples and her face reddened as they became instantly hard. This was the first time she'd been touched in a sexual way. She saw the wicked gleam brighten in Wild Eagle's eyes at her body's response to his touch.

   "So sensitive are you. I should have known that you'd be too violent to have let any man touch you before." He gloated and proceeded to roll and pinch her nipples between his fingers.

   "Wild Eagle!" Leena whimpered and writhed at the sensual touch. If had been just Jamie, the Jamie they all knew and loved, she might have enjoyed his touch. But this wasn't Jamie at all. He didn't even LOOK exactly like Jamie.

   Wild Eagle began to kiss her lips as he continued to fondle her breasts. He pressed his mouth down hard upon her lips, bruising them. He stuck his tongue into her mouth and forced her to French kiss. She had no idea what she was doing and Wild Eagle didn't bother with the niceties of kissing lessons. She tasted the remnants of Brad on him still. He roughly kissed her once more on the lips then slowly moved down, placing skin tingling kisses on her cheeks and chin and then neck and shoulders.

   Leena stared across at Bit who hung there, looking like his heart had been cut from his chest. But at the moment, she couldn't afford to feel sorry for the Ultimate X pilot as she gasped when Wild Eagle's lips suddenly caressed her nipple.

   "Uh-h-h-hng!" Leena moaned and closed her eyes, leaning her head back.

   His tongue mercilessly flicked over her hard bulbs in a rapid-fire procession that made her wriggle in pleasure.

   "Oh my God!" Leena burbled at the unexpected ecstasy.

   Wild Eagle suckled at her breast and Leena felt her heart pound and she felt herself getting wet below in response. He alternated from one breast to the other, taking pleasure in her bodies response to his actions. He trailed his right hand down her waist and hips and then across to the inside of her legs. He smiled to himself as his finger slid over her already moist clit. She was wet already? She wouldn't need much fingering then. He'd never felt a woman before, so he explored that mysterious area, rubbing and probing, Leena's breath came faster and she moaned with pleasure at his touch. He released her breasts and licked a wet trail down her stomach with his tongue. Leena's flat belly quivered as he passed further down until his tongue met with the forest of hair which he plunged through and delighted in making her moan even louder and more frequently as he flicked his tongue ignorantly inside.

   His inexperienced tongue soon grew tired of this and he stood. Leena blinked at him. She was hot and sweaty. He wrapped his arms around her upraised arms and felt his stiff cock against her stomach. It was already dripping with need. He looked hard into her eager eyes and guided his cock with his hand into her vagina and plunged inside.

   Leena gasped at his sudden charge and at the new pain. He kissed her and began to pull back so he could thrust again. Leena shuddered, but this time with pleasure. It hurt, but it was also glorious as he began to pump her and kiss her with desperate energy. She returned his kisses, surprised that she could be so taken by his violent actions. She should be repulsed by what he was doing, but her violent side seemed to want it and crave it. She accepted him and felt a strange and wonderful build up that threatened to make her burst in a fit of screaming pleasure.

   "Jamie!" She cried loudly, feeling that she would explode any second.

   He stopped pumping her at the sound of that name and pulled out of her instantly despite her loud protest. She looked at him in surprise. Why did he stop? He looked at her ferociously, his eyes licking flames of hate.

   "No, please! I'm almost there! Don't stop!" She found herself pleading. What, she thought to herself, was she crazy? But the other, newly sexually charged part of her body screamed that she wanted him to finish what he started.


   Leena felt tears form and her bottom lip trembled at his violent response.

   "Looks like I'll have to punish you. Since you were enjoying it more than I thought you would, well, you'll just have to bear with no orgasm. Me, on the other hand, I'll finish up with Bit." He smiled at her though his eyes were hard.

   Leena sobbed quietly to herself, regretting everything, her body was tormented by the lingering build up from which there would be no release.

   Wild Eagle strode up purposefully to Bit, stiff cock up in the air comically looking like a dog with its nose on a scent trail.

   "Baby." Bit muttered sadly to his lover. "Why are you doing this?"

   "Because I can!" Wild Eagle snapped and ran his hand across Bit's lovely chest, a chest he knew well. But Wild Eagle didn't linger. He sauntered around behind and shoved his cock unceremoniously into Bit's ass.

   He thrust and thrust until he finally came inside his lover. Bit had enjoyed the familiar feeling but it was all too fleeting.

   "Won't you come back to us?" Bit whispered to his friend.

   Wild Eagle leaned against Bit's sweaty back and panted. He whispered into Bit's ear, "That piece of shit has no place here. I am the one that loves you, the one you love. Don't fight me for it'll only hurt that wimp."

   Wild Eagle kissed Bit's cheek and left them to brood amongst each other. What was wrong with Jamie? Bit felt like crying.

To Be Continued--- Heh, okay, yup, evil! EVIL! Bows. This was a story that just came to me one day and I wrote and wrote and wrote! I've never written anything even remotely like this before. It's gonna get even grittier with a bit of torture mixed in later, mwahaha! The next chapter will have some Bit and Brad, heh, for those of you who asked for such a coupling! But it's not what you might have expected! Please tell me what ya'll think of it so far!

Part Two
