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Replace this logo with one that is similar in size.

welcome to my planet

      Home     About Me     Contact Me     Experience     Project     My Activity     My Curivulum Vitae

About Me

Contact Me



My Curiculum Vitae

My Activity



Text in this column is controlled by the CSS style .leftcoltext. It will span the height of the page as you add links and information.



The dividers are by adding the code in the next paragraph. (See code)



This style is called .highlightbox add it to any <p> tag

Replace his image with one that is similar in size. Replace his image with one that is similar in size.
Replace his image with one that is similar in size.

The text in this column is controlled by the style .imagebox.

Replace his image with one that is similar in size.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam

Welcome to My Homepage


Saat ini saya masih bekerja di perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang Jaringan Komputer, sebelumnya saya pernah bekerja sebagai asisten dosen di LP3i Cipulir tapi gak lama sih cuma 3 bulan trus dapet tempat kerja sekarang ini. Saya juga pernah bekerja di bengkel megang keuangannya kerjaan itu saya lakonin pada waktu masih kuliah di LP3i di saat yang sama saya juga bekerja di Money changer jadi messanger , lumayan deh uangnya buat nambah-nambahin uang jajan.

Selain bekerja saat ini saya melanjutkan Pendidikan S1 di Universitas Budiluhur jurusan Teknik Informatika angkatan 2001 yang insya allah selesai deh awal tahun 2005

Linked Style Sheet

Font families, sizes and colors are controlled through the linked style sheet xara-template1.css included in your kit.


Paragraph Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit Lorem ipsum dolor si

  • sed diam nonummy
  • nibh euismod tinci
  • ut laoreet dolore
  • magna

Paragraph Heading

The main 'normal' style for this page has been defined with the following attributes:

The font is defined as Arial, Sans-serif. This means the Arial font will be a browser's primary font choice. If Arial is not installed the browser will display a sans-serif font.

The font size is defined to be 8pt
The page background color is defined as #ffffff, white although this can be altered in the linked style sheet.


Paragraph Heading

Paragraph Heading

Paragraph Heading

The Links:

The link, visited link and mouse-over link color are also defined to be in keeping with the Theme colors of this page.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wiLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna

Bulleted Lists

Webstyle creates appropriate bullet graphics, in keeping with the style and colors used on this page.

  • This is a bullet item
  • This is another bullet item
  • Bullet lists do not have added space above or below
  • To create a blank space above or below enter a blank line

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