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Inuyasha Central II

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 Ancient Japan Folklore


You can put pictures, text or what ever you want here. This is where your main body text should go.

Here are the rules. In order for you to use this templates you must leave the link back to up. This templates is linkware meaning that it is free for you to use as along as you link back to my website. I have software on my computer that can help track down my templates that are being used over the internet and anyone not linking back will be forced to remove the template.

You Should not have any problems using this templates because I designed it in mind that not everyone has Web design software on their computer. If you have any trouble with editing this template or have any questions, e-mail me at by the way, feel free to edit or change all fonts, colors and text of course. You may also resize table cells if you like.

One more thing. I designed part of this website using CSS code so you should absolutely not mess with the CSS file unless you know exactly what you are doing. Without that file the scruture of this template will change. Also, the date counter above is automatic. Its written in Java Script. It will always show the correct date so there is no need for you to doanything with it.


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Anime Templates

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