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Are you afraid of the dark?
Are you afraid of the Dark?

Mistress of the Dark
Don't steal this pic if you value your life

June 21st 2005
- Mistress: *evil laughter* I have taken over this site! I'm on the front page!
- Amy: And not just there, there's also a gallery with avatar art from Mistress of the Dark.
- Mistress: You mean fanart? Sweet!
- Amy: I guess you could call it fanart. Thank you to alll who drew Mistress of the Dark.
- Mistress: Yeah, thank you all. How about some naughty pics involving Yuki and myself? Of course I wouldn't upload those to the site.

May 31st 2005
- Amy: I decided not to use frames after all.
- Mistress: Instead WE *glares at Amy* decided to use image maps.
- Amy: Yeah, it turned out pretty cool.
- Mistress: Not as cool as me though. Just click on the name you want and WOOSH, you'll be brought there, just like a normal link works.
- Amy: Since it's also a bit tiring I only changed the homepage a bit, but the rest will follow. And hopefully much more neat graphics will appear.
- Mistress: Good, can we have sex now?
- Amy: ...............
- Mistress: that a no?
- Amy: I hate you.
- Mistress: awwww, that's so sweet. I knew you loved me!

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