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Digimon season 1

This is the digimon charcter bio's for season 1

Taichi Kamiya

Taichi Yagami / Tai Kamiya
Age: 11 in one, 15 in two
Voice actor: Joshua Seth
Fresh- Botamon
In training- Koromon Attacks- Bubble blow
Rookie-Agumon Attacks-Baby flame/Pepper breath
Champion-Greymon Attacks-Nova blast
Ultimate-Metalgreymon Attacks-Giga Blaster, Mega Claw
Mega-Wargreymon Attacks- Terra Force, Mega Claw, Terra Claw, Brave Tornado, Giga Force, Dramon Killer, Nova Force
Crest: Courage
School: Odaiba Elementary
Nickname: Goggle boy
Info: Taichi is the first goggle head and leader. He is super aggressive and he is usually the first to spring into action but he doesn’t always think before he acts. He fights with Yamato/Matt a lot. He likes to plays soccer. He has a little sister named is Hikari/Kari. Taichi has a crush on Sora. When he grows up he becomes a diplomat.

Yamato Ishida

Yamato Ishida/ Matt
Age: 11 in one, 15 in two
Voice actor: Michael Reisz
Fresh- Punimon
In training- Tsunomon Attacks-Bubble blast
Rookie- Gabumon Attacks- Petit Fire/Blue blaster
Champion- Garurumon Attacks- Howling blaster
Ultimate- Weregarurumon Attacks- Wolf Claw, Garuru Kick
Mega- Metalgarurumon Attacks-Metal Wolf Claw, Slamming Attack, Freeze Breath, Garuru Tomahawk, G Cross Freezer, Snap Slam
Crest: Friendship
School: Odaiba Elementary
Nickname: Mr. Cool
Info: Yamato is rebellious and wants to do things his own way. He’s cool and he likes to play the harmonica. His parents divorced when he was very young. He went with his dad and his little brother Takeru/ T.K. went with his mom. Even though his parents did get divorced, he still takes very good care of his brother. He has a band called the Teenage Werewolves and as an adult he goes to Mars with Gabumon. He also has a crush on Sora.

Sora Takenouchi

Sora Takenouchi
Age: 11 in one, 15 in two
Voice actor: Colleen O'Shaughnessy
Fresh- Nyokimon
In-training- Yokomon Attacks- Bubble Blow
Rookie- Biyomon Attacks: Magical Fire/Spiral Twister
Champion- Birdramon Attacks- Meteorwing
Ultimate- Garudamon Attacks- Wing Blade, Eagle Claw
Crest: Love
School: Odaiba Elementary
Nickname: Sis
Info: Sora is a Tomboy. In the group, she is the voice of reason and she also tries to keep Yamato and Taichi out of a lot of fights. ( she is always successful.) Yamato and Taichi have a secret crush on her. She likes her special lucky helmet. She has trouble with her mother but solves it throughout the season. She also play soccer and is on the same team as Taichi and Koushirou/ Izzy. She plays Tennis when she gets older.