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Aisuka a child raised in what could be described as a grease monkey home. Her father wanted a boy, one who would take over the street racing edge he held. His 1969 Camaro was his pride and joy, he drove that car everywhere... Aisuka's mother went out for a routine shopping trip taking the camaro, having been married to the man for decades she herself knew how to handle the car. A pivital moment, one drunk driver, and a light pole later took her life that day. Her father was devistated, he'd lost his loves in one moment. Aisuka being only 2 at the time didn't remember much just as she got older her father always had her in the garage, she watched him work and before long Aisuka took the reigns. At 13 she was doing her father's oil changes, brakes, air filters, and then some. She was the son he'd never had. Cancer that silent killer took Aisuka's father from her when she was only 18. She still remembers the things he's taught her and with the use of her 1996 Z28 she carries on not only the Camaro Legacy but the Sukinaku name...

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