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...bye bye now...

x: no, zero! don't die! not now! you die and i will personally see to it that i die to! then you'll have my carcass on your sorry ass *and* you'll still owe me ten bucks!

What's this, you ask? This is a page entirely dedicated to informing you of Cherry Angel's occasional renovations. Well, you can either see this page as that, or just as something with some shonen-ai-ish pictures of X and Zero. God, don't believe me? Go read the ending script of MegamanX5. You know, the part where Zero and X both get shot - oops, spoiled the ending. Heh.

Yeah. So, you can either sit around and wait for Cherry Angel to get back up... Wai! I almost forgot! Cherry Angel won't come back up! It's dead! Dead! Dead dead dead dead... DEAD! Got shot in the back by X and Zero 'cause it was so damn ugly. No, that's not what happened. I just don't have the time to update it anymore, so it's going. As well. So...

x: hold on, zero! hold on! don't give up just yet! you still owe me money! you still ... GET THE HELL AWAY FROM US, EVIL STALKING FANGIRLS!!

buh bye now...