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Man, I feel so blah. Today should have been great. I mean, me and my buddy sean headed over to the halloween dance with these totally awesome robot suits. But so many things went wrong.

When we first got there, everything was cool. Our costumes were probably the most popular ones out there and a girl gave me a hug and stuff. Everything going well so far.

Unfortunately, things did not stay this way. There was a bunch of bastard punk kids who showed up, and when were walking around in our suits, they kept pushing us. Seriously, if I was out of that suit, those punks would have gotten their faces drilled into the ground. I mean, look, they actually suceeded in damaging the robot suits. :( Those suits, especially seans, took an incredibly long time to make!

After that, me and sean hung out and rested. The DJ never played our song (Mr. Roboto), and our costumes lost out on the best costume award that was won by people who BOUGHT THEIR FREAKIN COSTUMES!!! ARGH! SO FREAKIN ANNOYING!

After that, I finally got the courage to dance with the girl I like, and that was cool. I also danced with a couple of her friends. Unfortunately, I feel like I abandoned my friend in doing so. God, I feel awful about that. Also, the stupid DJ didn't play a slow song before I left, and I couldn't get in a slow dance with the girl I like. Man, I'm just so confused...


Haven't written in my blog for awhile. Don't really feel like going into detail about my summer, but I have to say it was very relaxing. Good times, except I wish I saw my friends more.

Anyway, my junior year has started, and things seem to be going well for me so far. My schedule is a lot of work, but easy work nonetheless. My bros gone away finally, and to a college with 70% girls, so from now on, I'm his older brother :). I've finally gotten a job, which at first I really didn't want, but after seeing all the hot chicks working at the same place, I am actually quite enthusiastic about starting. Can't wait for the weekend. Also, I'm playing soccer again this season, but again it is not on the school team, due to the fact that the ppl running it are absolute morons who have their teams choosen even before trieouts start. I'm glad I left early and didn't waste anymore time. Rec soccer is much more fun anyway, and this frees up my schedule to allow me to go to several cross country practices a week. So, that should be fun.

Had D&D yesterday. Totally chased an ice cream truck. It Prolly won't be back to Scott's development anytime soon :). Good times...


Its the home stretch of the school year. Thank god! I can't stand it anymore. My weekend has been ruined by the fact that my moronic teachers each gave me a test, meaning come tommorow I have 6 freakin tests! Yes thats right, and on top of that, finals start this Wednesday. Thank you teachers!

Anyway, needed to get that out. Last week was pretty cool. Totally had an awesome D&D session, and we had a most ultimate game of Frisbee. Good times, good times.

Recently, have been watching a lot of Cartoon Network. A most excellent channel which until recently we did not have. A most excellent station if I do say. Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, a bunch of other crap...

Finally though, I must tell you all about something quite strange. Several months ago, I was going through my parent's CD player to see if there were any CD's I'd like to listen to. So, I'm flipping through the changer, and I come to something titled "Setting the Mood" or something like that. Suffice to say, I was a little creeped out. However, this would not prepare me for what was to come... I cycled a few more CD's ahead and to my horror found... A Yanni CD!!!!!

The stoning may commence...


Interesting week... School was a crap load of work, especially in Chem. The test Kelly gave us sucked! It was complete BS, everyone failed. Whatever.

So, this weekend, life has been pretty good. Except for the fact that I was invited to go camping, but unfortunately my mom, not wanting me to go, tells me I can't cause I have work. The thing is, I have not done a single thing today!

Anyway, on Friday I went to see Bruce Almighty with some friends. Good movie, worth seeing.

Saturday was cool cause I got to sleepover Scott's house. Totally played Wolfenstein, a pretty good game, and watched Insomniac, which I originally thought was a weird show, and my premonitions were proved true.

Recently, I've been thinking. I dunno, I think my idea will be big. Huge. Let me tell you about it...

Children Gone Wild! Albert Addition!

Its the most outrageous Children gone wild tape yet! See what happens when Albert takes control of the Camera!!!

Yes, I know its sick, but it'll be a big hit with the pedos.

So thats about it. Hasta La Vista, Baby (couldn't resist)

Vacation - 5/14/03

Ok, so this April Vacation rocked! It was the best vacation ever. Jona came up on Friday, we totally had a party at Scott's house, and we had a huge trampaline war. It was helluva fun. Then, the next day we all headed up to the movies to see Anger Management, a very funny movie. On Sunday, it was Easter, but we all went to Rohan's house for a sleepover anyway, and it was cool. Trampaline wars, late night TV, etc... Good times. So, on Monday, we all went out to dinner at Bertucci's, and it was very good. Then, we essentially said our goodbyes to Jona, and I really miss him a lot. It was just like old times.

Later that vacation week, I had my own sleepover, and we watched a bunch of movies, including Turtles I and Turtles III (Classics). It was cool.

After vacation, life went on as always. Haven't been getting as much work recently in most classes. Its pretty nice actually. And, I finally went to a track meet, and it was very fun. Except for the time when I had to compete in the 800; that hurt, but I did pretty well. It was cool.

So, this Tuesday, I headed down to the post office to mail a money order. First time I've ever done it, and its quite easy. Hoping to get a new Spawn game in a few days. Hopefully I'll be around to get the order instead of my parents...

This week we have the MCAS. Its nice cause I have no work whatsoever at home. I totally take naps every day after track. Its most relaxing. Today, however, I have a meet. I've decided to go and do the 400 instead, cause I'd prefer not to get a headache. Anyway, thats whats up here. Going to see the Matrix tommorow. See ya there!


These last few days rocked! On Friday, everything went well, and went to track after school. However, it was pouring outside, and so Scott, Chris, and I decided to hang around inside. There, we found immaturity to be incredibly fun. See, in track, you wear pants over your shorts. So, we ran around the school being immature by pulling our pants down and shocking people until they realized that we had shorts on. It was quite fun. However, the best was yet to come, when we did it to some girl, who in response did it back, expect she didn't have any shorts!! It was great. Then, at the end of track, we met up with Avi who started chasing Scott around, and then I totally stole his bag. The ensuing chase was hilariously fun, and Avi was so pissed. It was quite funny.

On Saturday, I went to Scott's house for some D&D. There, we made pretty good progress, and totally played some B.Ball. Sean and I totally had a great alley-oop.

That night, Sean slept over, we talked, played Mario Kart and SoM, and came up with a great idea which will be put into effect Wednesday.

Sunday, napped a bunch.


This weekend was good. Saturday I relaxed, sat around, and in general did nothing. Relatives were supposed to come on Saturday for my confirmation, but bad weather prevented it, allowing me to keep my bed. Also, my sponsor couldn't make it, so my brother had to fill in. Basically, Sunday went smoothly, and when my brother put his hand on my shoulder and stuff, it was nice to know he cared. So, the day went on, got stuff, ate food, talked, and had a good time.


Todays been fairly interesting. The day started off with Scott wacking me in the chest, unfortunately hitting me in a spot that winded me, and caused me to stumble about for 3 seconds or so. Then, I proceeded to walk after him and eventually chase him down the hallway. He eventually ran into a empty hallway, where I pushed him into stuff, and that was all. So, the day was going pretty smoothly, but then lunch came. Unfortunately for us, Borrero was at this lunch for some reason, and thus he started school and GPA related conversations. It was most horrible. And so, eventually a girl came over to our table to sit with Bill, and Divij did some funny stuff, but unfortunately the ackwardness of our awful conversation made her leave. April 3 will go down as the first and last time a girl will ever sit at our lunch table,

So, I was feeling unusually happy the rest of the day for some reason. Perhaps it was because Mr. Kelly gave me a 93 in chemistry! And might I add, a most unexpected (and undeserved) 93. It was pretty funny.

So, went to track later, talked to Bill and Rohan a little, then went out on a run and unfortunately had to do hills on Chickorey. It wasn't all that bad though, and the day turned out to be very good.

Thats my day. A most interesting day.


Its been awhile since I've written in my blog. March has gone by with little hassle. I've been to a few sleepovers, slept a bunch, joined track, and even have gotten up the motivation to go apply for a job at several places. Anyway, March has been a pretty cool month.

So, last weekend I went to Sean's party, which was cool. All my friends were there, and we had a good time watching movies, playing games, and even playing baseball! So, that was cool. Then, I had my birthday, got a bunch of money from relatives, went out to dinner with my family, and got "If Chins could Kill", a book by the one and only Bruce Campell. Unfortunately, this week in school has been rather annoying. Its the end of the term, I'm working my ass off for stupid school assignments, but due to track I'm starting to get too tired to actually do work. Also, I have a throbbing pain in my shoulder, which I've had for a couple days now. Prolly pulled some cartillage. Oh well, gonna skip track and give myself some time to recuperate.


Went to Scott's house Friday, and it was good fun. Played Timesplitters, watched Manos, and I finally saw the Matrix. It was a good time.

Besides the sleep over, however, vacation has been pretty drab. I'm left wondering whether or not the girl I like got the flowers I sent to her, and unfortunately, there's nothing I can really do about it if they weren't sent. It just plain pisses me off that some stupid asses in school totally screwed up.

Besides being in a state of perplexity, my dad seems to have been on my case, and unfortunately it seems as if he's going to take back what he said about giving me my allowance. I need that money. I mean, I haven't gotten allowance for over half a frickin year. God, it just plain pisses me off. I hope the next few days will be better.


So, this weekend was a total blast. First, I got to relax at home, do a bunch of random stuff. Secondly, I went to the semi, which was a totally fun time. I danced with two very nice girls, and got to be friends with both of them. The only bummer for the night was that the girl I wanted to ask to dance didn't show, and so all my worrying about what to say was over nothing.

On Sunday, did a lot of work for chem, which sucked, and unfortunately I had to pass on going sledding with some of my friends. However, the superbowl was today and I went to a party with a bunch of friends, we talked, ate, laughed, and had a great time. The game, however, sucked, and so eventually we just started wrestling in the TV room with stairs, meaning that I couldn't use headlocks and tripping. However, I still beat Scott, but obviously lost to Ted, although I lasted a good while. It was a totally good time.

So today I went to school, didn't know what happened. I'm pretty pissed about Java right now, in that I know nothing of what we're doing. Oh well, not going to worry too much over it. Later that day, took a chem test, which was quite easy, but I'm going to wait til I see my grade before I say anything more. Finally, I was supposed to stay after today for D&D, but my mom was being completely unreasonable about staying after. It completely sucked! Oh well, overall been doing well recently, and thats about all.


So, the weekends finally over. It was good times, although the start was a little rocky. You see, I got in trouble for using the net too early, and almost got it taken away again. However, through the powers of extortion my brother and I were able to force my dad into signing a contract that made him hook it back up if my brother shaved. It was quite funny.

So, I went up to Nashua on Saturday, wandering around with my dad who was looking for a new cellphone. We couldn't find one at the verizon place, and so we eventually ended up going to Best Buy, where I saw Sean and I also found a Law and Order videogame. It was quite funny. After that, my dad and I checked out some cars. It was cool.

Upon my return from the shopping centers, I went to Rohan's house. It was totally fun there. I made Sean and Rohan watch Manos: The Hands of Fate, which in my opinion is the worst movie ever created. Here now is a picture of a peeking torgo, one of the characters from the movie.

So, we watched that movie and they suffered. After that, we played Fatal Fury: MOTW, and it was quite fun. Most fun I've had playing games with friends for awhile. We were quite frantic while playing it. Good times, good times.

The next day, I slept over at Scott's house. It was good fun, except when we played Mech Assault, which was a most crappy game. But besides that, we played Halo, UC, and Ghost Reacon, which were all pretty fun.

So, on Monday I went around with my parents looking for a canarie. It was pretty cool to go to the pet store. My brother then wanted to eat at Wendys for some reason, and he did, although what possessed him to want to eat there is beyond me. Went home after that, where my Dreamcast was randomly resetting occassionally. It was really pissing me off, and I tried everything to fix it. Finally, I switched the controller I was using and it seems to have solved my problem, although I wouldn't be suprised if it was broken. That was my weekend. Later!


Finally finished with midterms. Now its time to do a frickin history essay! I mean, god, don't they know when enough is enough. Last week was awful, with projects, essays, and tests due in every class. It totally sucked! And then midterms came next. Finally now, I have damn term paper due. I dunno, I really don't feel like doing it.

Last night was the best time I've had in a while. Played Spawn with my brother, worked on my site, and basically just got to relax. It was good. I really can't wait til vacation.


Almost done with the weeks-o-hell. Doing well on most things, except Spanish, which I got a 65 on the test, although I really don't care. I just want it to be over. So, besides school, I've discovered the wonders of money order and so now I can buy stuff off the net. Good stuff. Looking foward to the weekend. After this week school is gonna be smooth sailing until finals. February vacation is fast approaching, meaning Jona's coming up. Thats gonna be totally sweet. We should have a weeks worth of parties and just switch houses every day. Well, thats about all thats up here. Later!


I am finally ungrounded! Most excellent. So, today I was all worried about this chemistry project which was going to take up my whole day, but somehow I just turned into a machine and got through it. Boy, does chem. suck. I absolutely hate that class. Even with all my friends in it, I can't stand it. Even though my whole day was a waste, it wasn't all bad. I got a ride home from my brother's friend Bobby, and it was totally sweet cause like we did a driveby snowballing on a couple of people, and it was hilarious, cause like we drove by them at first, and then quickly backed up and opened the window. It was most uncoordinated. I would like to end this entry on a positive note: For the next two weeks life will suck!


Haven't been able to write in blog for a while. Parents grounded me, but fortunately I can use the school's comps. to work.

Life hasn't been so hot recently. I have been doing rather poorly in school on tests and quizzes, but I while taking them all pretty much I've been expecting to ace them. Oh well. Just gotta get it together soon.

Anyway, school's been pretty fun none the less. It gives me more than videogames to do to pass the time. Recently, I've really liked chem. class, not for the class itself, but the fact that I'm friends with almost half the class. Its really cool. So, we hang around during breaks and stuff. It was great on Friday cause I was just looking out the window at the kindergartners playing outside and thinking to myself, "Damn, wouldn't it be cool if a fight broke out?" That, unfortunately, never happened but I'll keep on watching...

So,this weekend I was supposed to go to Scott's party, but relatives were coming over and my mom was being completely unreasonable about letting me go. However, it turned out well cause my cousin Alex came and so it was cool. We played some Perfect Dark, Spawn, etc... We also saw The Lord of the Rings. I have only one complaint for this visit. My bed was taken and I was forced to sleep in the basement. That completely sucked. Oh well, fortunately the visit wasn't a complete bummer.


Since I haven't written in my blog for quite a while, I will update you on what I have done this August.

I finally had a party. I had a total of seven people over and it was great fun. It was the most chaotic party I've been to yet. That was probably because the basement was really humid and hot, and although I thought that I had opened the windows, I failed to realize that there was glass behind the screens, so that was completely ineffective. So, due to the heat, we all had a massive melee, wielding such items as chunks of ice to coke cans filled with water. It was most excellent. Unfortunately, I had to clean up after it.

So, after we had completely trashed my basement, we decided to go wander around outside at around 2 in the morning. That was a short trip cause my mom was up and we had to run back to the houses and pretend that we were inside all along. Fortunately I made it in and Scott made a plasable story as to why some of us were outside. I was saved!

We calmed down quite a bit after that, and played some videogames and had a really stupid conversation before we fell asleep at around 8 in the morning.

After my party, my vacation just went completely downhill. It was non-stop relative visiting and seeing. I am so sick of seeing relatives! I mean, I love them and all, but whens it around two weeks or so of seeing them constantly and not being able to do anything, you can get pretty annoyed. However, it eventually ended and my social life went on.

Recently, I've been very busy. First, we had a going-away party for Jona at Rohan's house, so Scott and I went up to the mall to pick out a gift for him. However, things didn't go as planned for me, cause I forgot most of my cash, but fortunately Scott was able to save the day. We ended up buying him a nice watch.

Rohan's party was pretty cool. It was supposed to be a surprise party, but we got so caught up in videogames and conversation that we were completely unprepared when Jona arrived. However, the basement window was opened and so we all tried to climb out it. Unfortunately, Jona had gotten into the basement before Ted had time to hide, and so the surprise failed. Anyway, after that we hung around outside and talked and did a bunch of other stuff. It was good fun. The only problem was that Rohan's parents were way too involved, and so you really couldn't talk freely. Besides that, it was all good.

The next day was a continuation of soccer tryouts, which have been going on for several days now. They have pretty much been easy, but the sprinting they makes us do sucks a lot! Anyway, the practice ended, and I went over to Jona's party, in which we surfed the net, swam around in the pool, and talked a bunch. It was good fun.

So, after everyone but Sean and I had left Jona's house, we talked and hung around until my mom came to pick me up. For about a half hour our parents talked, and so did we. Anyway, when I was leaving, I was able to convince my mom to allow Sean and Jona to sleep over. I was suprised she said yes cause it was really spur of the moment.

Upon arriving at my house, we used the internet and talked while watching my brother play The Typing of the Dead. What a great game! Afterwards, we played it a little and then watched some Conan O'Brien, and unfortunately the worst episode in the shows history was on. So, instead we decided to watch and dub in the spanish channel! We had some good jokes going. It was tons of fun.

The next day we woke up and watched part of The Lord of the Rings, and then drove Sean and Jona home. Then, I proceeded to get some school supplies, which was really boring. Upon arriving at home, I finished watching the movie and then went to soccer tryouts. They finally had cuts today, and fortunately I made them. I'm so relieved!

This pretty much sums up my month of August. So until my next entry, toodles!


Haven't really been around much lately. Went to Vermont last week to visit some relatives. I had a horrible time cause like my six-year-old cousin pestered me the entire time. I mean, he constantly tries to punch you, made spazs if things don't go his way, and overall was a complete pain in the ass to everyone. Its been pretty hard on him though considering that he's basically being passed around from relative to relative and his parents are no longer together. However, the trip wasn't a complete waste of time. I got to get some driving lessons from my grandpa, and I also got to play the shortest round of mini-golf ever. That was pretty fun. Anyway, I get to go back up to Vermont during late August, but supposedly my cousin has really improved a lot since I left so I guess I can hope the next trip up will be more relaxing than this one.

Anyway, after I got home my other slightly-younger-than-me cousin came up to visit me. It was cool cause like we played tons of videogames and ate chips and stuff. It was pretty funny when he came cause he brought his whole house with him, including his family's PC, a laptop, and a Dreamcast. I had to pile crates to hook up all his stuff. Anyway, we did some things other than play videogames, such as played mini-golf. Although I told my mom the course was crap, she insisted that I go and since it was her money, I didn't really mind. Then, we went and had frappes, which tasted good until you got to the bottom, which was basically very soggy ice cream. While drinking the frappes, we had some fun at the driving range by watching the people golf, cause they were awful. After watching the golf, we had a race and it was funny cause I beat him while jogging. Anyway, it was all good fun.

The next day we saw Goldmember, which was a hilarious movie, and I also bought a couple games while at the mall. Upon getting home, I was reminded by my dad that I had golf lessons and so he drove me over, although I was pretty late for them. The lesson was about putting, and I am proud to say that in all aspects of golf, including putting, I am the best in class. The fact that the other kids in my class are all six-year-olds in no way detracts from my accomplishment. Anyway, during lessons we practiced some putting and chipping. It was cool. After the lesson, I returned home and played videogames with my cousin, pretty much until he left the next day. When he was leaving, he did a sort of grapple-type thing with me, and I'm sorry to say but he could not even move me. I'm so proud that I'm stronger than someone who is a year younger than me!

After my cous left, I have really done nothing. The only thing I've done is gone to the movies with Sean, Matt, and Jona, which was cool. I also might be going to Scott's house soon, which will be fun. Between Scott's sleepover and my probably-to-be party, I should be busy for a little awhile. However, I'm feeling a really sad at the moment, because my friend Jona is moving away and I'm going to miss him a lot. Its really got me down recently, and that’s how I'm going to be for a while now. So, until I decide to write or something, later!


So, been having a pretty good time recently. Went to Jona's party which was most excellent. We swam around a lot, played some videogames, and had a couple wrestling matches, in which Sean and I were pretty much even and everyone else I faced was no challenge. Anyway, the match between me and Sean was pretty cool, cause like we were pretty even for a while, but then I was able to knock him off balance and lift him over my shoulder, which probably was not such a good idea. Luckily, the pole was there so no harm done. Anyway, the party was the most fun I've had in a while, and if any friends are reading this, you should invite me over or have a party.

Well, after the party I was incredibly sore, so I rested the whole day. The next few days I really did nothing, except for eat and sleep. Anyway, recently I started to exercise every other day, which is at least keeping me active. Also, I started my golf lessons today and they were pretty cool. The people at the club I'm going to are incredibly nice and fun to hang around with. I've improved a lot in the short lesson that I had. It was good fun. So, thats an update on my doings. So until my next log, cya!


Summers been pretty cool so far. Went to see Men in Black II a couple days ago with my family. It was ok and all, but the plot sucked. Also, the music, done by the movies very own Will Smith, was quite awful. I mean, Will Smith's rapping career has just gone downhill since he left DJ Jazzy Jeff. I think they should hook up again and do some more songs, but that’s just me.

Anyway, today I woke up around 12, so I got a good nights sleep. After that, my brother came home from a class he is taking over the summer, and there we played probably over 20 rounds of team battle in Soul Calibur, in which I was undefeated. He got so aggravated with me that he first started making angry sounds and swearing, then threatened to kick the crap out of me, and then just took his controller and c