One - Written by PhantomScribe72


Goku stood staring out into space, contemplating all that the strange boy from the future had told him. How could it be? Androids, ten times stronger than a Super Saiyan would come to Earth in three years, destroying everything Goku held dear. Everyone would die, even Goku's beloved son Gohan. Normally, Goku would have thought the kid was just a freak, but he had turned into a Super Saiyan and destroyed Freeza with little effort. That alone had made a believer out of Goku. The story the young man had told was a terrifying one, but Goku had no doubt that it was true. The boy said that he had traveled into the past to warn Goku of coming events so that the Z Team could be prepared for the androids and possibly stop them.

"Oh well", Goku sighed to himself, "I guess I'd better warn the others so that we can start training."

He turned around and began walking towards the cliff where all of his friends were gathered. He dreaded telling them what he knew, especially Chi Chi. He knew she would totally freak out and he didn't feel like dealing with it tonight. Goku loved his wife, but sometimes he thought she was a royal pain in the rear and he knew that when he found out about Gohan dying she would go orbital.

Then, there was the other tidbit of information the kid from the future had shared with Goku. The kid said his name was Trunks, and that he was Bulma and Vegeta's son. When the kid had first said that, Goku rolled over laughing. After all, Bulma was with Yamcha, and she didn't seem to like Vegeta very much. And Vegeta...well, he hated everyone, including Bulma. Goku just couldn't imagine those two together. He found it hilarious. The boy, Trunks, just looked at Goku with dead calm eyes after Goku finally quit laughing. It was then that Goku realized it was no joke. Goku went into shock and passed out cold. When he woke up, the boy made him swear not to tell anyone about Vegeta and Bulma. He was afraid that if they knew they would end up together, they would avoid it at all cost and Trunks would never be born. Goku swore to keep the secret, and Trunks disappeared into the sky in his time machine.

Goku was almost to his friends now. He could hear everyone laughing and teasing each other, celebrating Freeza's demise. He hated to rain on their parade, but the sooner he told them about the androids, the better.

"Well, I guess there's no time like the present," he mumbled to himself, and flew to the edge of the cliff to face his friends.

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