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If Wishes Were Stars

By xingy

It was a quiet night. The skies above had darkened without a cloud in sight; the moon announcing her arrival with a perfect downcast beam, the brilliant white glow forming dark shadows across the land. Bright, burning stars twinkled like a million diamonds tossed upon a black sheet that was the night. Insects could be heard all around, chirping in a soothing manner - as if celebrating the newly formed dew that coated the grasses with a shiny cloak.

Everything was so perfect; so peaceful.

Sitting on the side of a bed in a room that wasn't hers, Seung Mina's mind whirled with emotion, with possibility - a stark contrast to the calm world surrounding her. Fingering the edge of a woven quilt, her eyes drifted to the sleeping form beside her.


He didn't know she was there, and she didn't want him to know. He would probably only laugh at her antics and call her silly - an emotional blow she didn't believe she could withstand.

These were her true feelings, not some schoolgirl crush.

For that reason, she had crept into his room only after she was positive he had fallen asleep, tiptoeing across the floors and wincing with every creak of a board.

And it had all been worth it. Simply seeing him lying there on his stomach, pillow drawn tightly to him, eyes closed so peacefully, lips open slightly as if whispering a secret to her, his back slowly rising and falling with each breath he drew.

He had never looked more beautiful.

Sighing quietly to herself, Mina watched as the moon shone in from the open window, casting shadows over his sleeping figure. Her copper eyes followed every dip and curve the clear, white light made, trailing up his partially covered back to rest upon his face.

Her mind spun as she analyzed every contour and angle of his features. Having seen his face hundreds of times before, she still felt she hadn't noticed every detail. Narrowing her eyes slightly, as if studying ancient scripture, Mina focused on his eyes.

Even drawn shut, they radiated kindness. But when open, they were one hundred times more perfect. Always dancing with emotion, the dark brown orbs told more of his personality than words were capable of. Often filled with love and laughter, occasionally with anger and always with loyalty, they were truly a window to his soul.

Sadly, deep in her heart, Mina knew it would be that loyalty that forced them apart.

Pushing the awful thought from her mind, she instead focused on what was before her, what was present. Her eyes followed his nose downward, her gaze landing upon his lips.

What would it feel like to kiss those lips? Taste like?

Soft petals, she decided, perfumed like a rose, silken to the touch but passionate to the heart. A floral-laden breeze, it would tell of colorful springs and warm sunbeams to come.

How she longed to have his lips claim hers, to taste the honeyed fire of his kiss.

A cricket chirped in the distance, pulling Mina from her dreams and placing her back in reality, staring quietly at the sleeping angel before her.

If only he knew.

Pushing the edge of the quilt off her lap, she slowly stood, her gaze never leaving that of the dreaming figure.

Slowly reaching down, she lovingly tugged the blanket up over his back and tucked it in around him, smoothing the edges perfectly. Bent slightly at the waist, Mina leaned down and, closing her eyes, cautiously placed her soft lips on his cheek, holding them there for a second; treasuring the moment.

"Goodnight, my love," she whispered as she rose, turning toward the door. Pausing briefly, she threw a tear-filled glance over her shoulder one last time, lingering in mid-stride. Forcing her eyes to move, she tore her gaze away from the sleeping form and quietly walked toward the door, her skirt swishing slightly in the quiet room.

As a hot tear rolled down her cheek, curving slightly in its journey, Mina pulled the door closed on her dreams, desperately trying to quell the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

If only he knew.

If only.