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The Culinary Arts

By xingy and Mina

Hwang jumped as yet another exploding sound issued from the vicinity of the kitchen - a rather violent-sounding explosion. His concerns for the safety of the chef, however, were quickly put aside as a stream of explicatives, incredibly graphic in detail, assaulted his ears, causing him to wince.

Well, Seung Mina certainly has picked up the art of proficient swearing, he thought mildly to himself, allowing a small chuckle to escape his lips.

"What was that?" Mina yelled, sticking her head around the door of the kitchen.

Startled, Hwang turned his gaze to face that of his girlfriend. Her eyes swam with annoyance, not an incredibly nice emotion.

And she was holding a steak knife.

"Hmm?" he cautiously asked, raising an eyebrow and putting on his most innocent face.

"I just heard you laugh," Mina deadpanned, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Hwang's mind reeled. How in the name of Astaroth had she heard that? He'd barely heard it himself!

"I, um, well, that is to say that, er, I was just remembering a funny story," he stuttered, praying to any superior being who happened to be listening that she would believe the lie. Concern for his own safety suddenly became extremely important.

"Oh, okay then," Seung Mina replied, smiling warmly at Hwang as though she hadn't just scared every ounce of life from him.

He risked a small smile in her direction.

"Dinner should be ready soon," she continued, wiping her brow with a dishcloth. "Hope you're hungry!" That said, she turned and re-entered the kitchen, a cloud of smoke escaping into the living room, only to be cut off as the door slammed shut.

A not too pleasant smell emerged as well, causing Hwang to plug his nose.

Thank goodness he WASN'T hungry. But then, how was he going to get out of the entire dining experience?

He pondered the situation. There was always the 'I'm not very hungry' line. No, that most certainly wouldn't work. He had already told her that he WAS indeed hungry. Perhaps 'I don't feel too well'? Hwang sighed. Nope, she'd see through that in a flat second.

He glanced around.

Darn. No pets to sneak the un-edible delicacies to.

"I KNEW I should have bought her a dog," he muttered to himself, letting his head fall into his hands.

Yup, he was a dead man. He could already see the morning headlines, 'MAN DIES OF CONSUMPTION OF UN-EDIBLE CONCOCTION.'

Another crashing sound emitted from the kitchen.

"OH-NO!" a distinctly female voice shouted, "YOU STUPID PAN! GET INTO THE OVEN NOW, OR I'LL."

Thankfully, whatever she planned on doing to the poor, defenseless pan was drowned out by the clanging of an alarm - obviously a timer of some sorts.

Hwang gulped. "Do you need any help?" he yelled when the alarm had shut off, hoping against hope she'd say yes. At least then the food would stand a small chance.

"No, I've got it!" Mina replied, sticking her head out the door. "Dinner should be on in about a minute! The first course, anyways. Hang tight!"

Hwang's eyes grew wide as she disappeared into the kitchen yet again.

FIRST course?

Exactly how many courses were there?

That was it. There was no way out of it. He was going to have to EAT whatever came out of that kitchen. No matter if it walked, crawled or dragged itself out, he was going to have to EAT it.

His stomach lurched at the thought.

Where was Kilik when he needed him? Kilik would eat ANYTHING!

Hwang sighed quietly as he saw the door to the kitchen swing open and Seung Mina enter carrying a tray full of food - if it could even be referred to as food.

"Well, dinner's served!" she announced proudly, smiling as she placed the tray in the center of the table and rearranged the cutlery.

Hwang noticed the smile looked forced.

Mentally surrendering himself to the gods of bad cooking, he took a seat at the table, steeling his stomach for the oncoming barrage of poison. He picked up his fork and poked at the so called food.

"What the Astaroth do you think you're doing?!?" The lump of food was a fried, burned mess, and obviously, not dead. "Gimme that!" It grabbed Hwang's fork and began lightly poking Hwang in the arm. All Hwang could do was stare at "it".

"AAAHHHH! I thought I killed you already you darned piece of.." yelled Seung Mina as she grabbed her zanbato and began chasing the still living food around, and then finally back into the kitchen. Her loud swearing at the creature could be heard, accompanied by a loud crashing noise.

Well, thought Hwang, at least I still have some time....Kilik....I'll call Kilik and Xianghua and see if they want to come over for dinner.....Hwang fumbled around for the phone and quickly dialed their number.


"Kilik!! It's me, Hwang. Would you and Xingy be interested in coming over for dinner tonight?"

"Sure. What time?"

"As soon as possible..."

"Ok! Oh, and Hwang?"



Hwang held the phone away from his ear, and then responded, "Ok, Sorry. Just get over here"


After Hwang hung up he felt rather relieved. He called in and told Seung Mina he had invited Kilik and Xianghua over and she smiled happily and was glad that they could come over.

Kilik and Xianghua arrived at Hwang and Mina's home and they could see Seung Mina stabbing at something with her zanbato through the window. They gave each other a wide-eyed look and knocked on the door. Hwang answered and ushered them into the dining room.

"Hwang?" Asked Seung Mina, poking he head out of the kitchen door.


"Can I borrow Blue Thunder?"

Hwang gave a sad "it was nice knowing you" look to his sword and quietly handed it over. The door shut and he could hear Mina give a battle cry, and then loud chopping noises. Hwang hoped that Kilik and Xianghua could not hear the comotion as he walked back into the dining room.

A few minutes later Seung Mina emerged with a large tray of food. She smiled at Hwang and winked at him in a "don't worry, I killed it" manner. She also handed him back his sword which Hwang saw was thankfully in one piece. Seung Mina lifted the cover off of the food and Kilik and Xianghua leaned foreward expectantly......