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Full Moon: Rage of the Wolf

By White Luster Soldier and Torn Angel Fighter

DISCLAIMER: This is a Sailor Moon fanfic. All the original Sailor Senshi are property of the great Naoko Takeuchi. Any other characters we do own so please do not use without our permission. Also, in this fiction, there is a chapter depicting vocal performances of songs by major artists. A separate disclaimer will be written for that particular chapter. We are Not making ANY MONEY OFF OF THIS so please don't sue us.

Chapter Five: Gaia’s Chosen

Lita woke up around 9:30 a.m. refreshed. After getting ready, she went downstairs to check on Leon, who was still sleeping. “Maybe I shouldn’t have used the whole bottle,” she thought. It was already 10 a.m. so she decided to make breakfast. Humming as she cooked she thought about last night.
Leon woke slowly with a strange taste in his mouth. “What was in that tea,” he wondered. The next thing he noticed was a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. He started to get up, paused, and hearing nothing, stood up off the couch. Rubbing the side of his head, he staggered into the kitchen.
“Good morning, Lita,” a groggy voice spoke behind her.
“Ah, you’re up. Good morning Leon.” She turned smiling. Then she cracks up laughing.
“What?” Leon said. He looked in the mirror in the hall. “Ah gees,” he groaned. He was a mess. His clothes were severely disarrayed. He quickly adjusted his clothes and finger-combed his hair until he was presentable. Stepping back into the kitchen, he asked “Better?”
He walked over to her and asked, “Can I help?”
“Yeah you can tell me if this needs anything.” She raised a spoon to his mouth.
He shrugged and tasted what was cooking. “Wow! This is excellent. I think some thyme would improve it.”
“That might work.” She shrugged.
As they were eating, Lita looked up. “You know adding thyme was a great idea. How did you know it would work?”
“Well, when I was younger cooking was my hobby. I found that thyme is an excellent addition to the other spices you used. But still the original was very good.”
Lita was staring at him.
“What?” Leon questioned.
“Didn’t you have a bruise last night?”
“Garou are able to regenerate rapidly. That bruise was probably gone in three hours.”
“By the way, who was that girl last night?”
“I think she was the Wind that I mentioned earlier.”
“Huh.” Lita thought about the voice that she heard when she first met Leon.

Later on at Raye’s temple, the group talked about what needed to be done. Leon sat silently while everyone threw out one idea or another.
“Leon, you have been fighting the Wyrm longer than we have known of its existence. What would you do,” Amy curiously asks.
“Well,” Leon sighed, “It seems futile at this point to expose them; that exactly what I was trying to do at our first meeting. It’s like people refuse to believe in the Wyrm, just as much as they refuse to believe in Garou.” He thought a moment. “I think the best strategy is to patrol the town, try to find out the Wyrm’s source within Tokyo and take care of any problem’s along the way.” He drew his finger under his chin to accentuate the last point.
“But where would the Wyrm’s hideout be, “ Mina questioned.
“One of the Wyrm ‘s main methods is pollution, of destroying Gaia. More than likely, it would be a highly polluted area like a bio-hazard dump or a chemical plant.”
Serena’s stomach growled. “Uh guys, why don’t we take a little break.”
“Sure, I’ll see what I can whip up around here.” Raye started to get up but Rini pulled her back down.
“Raye, we’re not going to be very good fighters when we’re clutching our stomachs. Trust me you haven’t improved in the future.”
“Future?” Leon looked at Lita.
“Long story,” She looked at the group. “Why we go to the diner? I hear Lizzie’s working there again.”
Serena got excited. “Cool and Leon can buy to make up for scaring us half to death yesterday.”
Everyone looked at Leon with s smug expression, except for Lita who was trying not to laugh. Leon rolled his eyes and checked his wallet. “It’s a good thing I didn’t make it to the bar last night.” He thought.
“Fine but this is the last I want to hear about yesterday.”
“I’m going to bring my camera so I can get a picture of all of us.”
When they got to the diner, it wasn’t too busy. They sat down at an empty table. Almost immediately, a bubbly red-haired waitress arrived at their table. “What would you… Oh my gosh! How are you guys?”
“We are fine, Lizzy. This is… ” Leon turns around.
“Leon Kincaid! This has just made my day. Can you sign my shirt?”
“Umm… ” He winced as Lita kicks him under the table. “I’m not that type of rock star.” He frantically looked around the table. Grabbing a napkin he signs his name, writes a brief message, and gave it to Lizzie. “Is this all right?”
“Nice save,” Mina whispered to Raye.
“Yes, what would you like?”
Lizzie pocketed the napkin. Everyone ordered a burger, French fries and milkshakes. When it was Leon’s turn, he asked for a protein drink.
“Sorry, we don’t serve that.”
“What’s so hard about making them? All you do is take a piece of uncooked meat, put it in a blender, add a little milk, and hit frappe.” He looked around and saw everyone was shocked and a little green. Sinking further into the chair, he sheepishly speaks, “A medium strawberry milkshake, mozzarella sticks and a burger cooked rare (Lita kicks him) umm make that medium burger.” Rubs his leg and glares at her. “I knew this was a bad idea,” he thought.
“Giving in?” a musical voice questioned with a hint of laughter.
“What are you doing back in my head?” he mentally snarled.
“Oh nothing much, just looking for the main control switch.”
“Figures. What do you want?”
“Just thought I’d ask you to go outside and sniff the air.”
“Why? I can sniff it in here?”
The food was served. Everyone dug in. Serena was stealing a little bit of everyone’s French fries. She dared look at Leon’s plate and quickly changed her mind.
Leon had just finished his meal when he got a sniff of the air. He sniffed the air again with more concentration.
“What is it, Leon?” asked Amy.
Leon got a serious expression on his face. “I smell blood.”
“Are you sure it’s not your burger?” Serena teases.
Leon pulls out his wallet, throws it on the table towards Lita, and stands up. “Here take care of the bill, then catch up to me.”
Lita picks up the wallet as he dashes out. Lizzie saw him leave but didn’t see where he went.
Outside, Leon quickly shifts into Lupis after making sure no one was watching him. His form passed below the window ensuring that even Lizzie wouldn’t see which way he went. Leon had run a few blocks following the scent of blood. His nose sniffed along the ground leading him to the source, which was coming from an alley up ahead. He turned back to retrieve his comrades. Leon loped up to them, skidded to a halt, barked, “I found the source. Let’s go!”
Lita motioned to her friends, “You heard him. Come on, let’s go.”
The Scouts ran after Leon. All six girls quickly transformed into Super Sailor Scouts as they chased after Leon the Wolf.
“Uh, Lita... He didn’t actually say anything.” Serena piped up.
“Yeah, he only barked a few times.” Raye added.
Lita contemplated this. When they got to the alley, Leon stopped.
“I gotta lay off all those delicious cakes.” Serena huffing while trying to catch her breath.
“What you need to lay off is snitching food off other people’s plates.” Raye replied dryly.
“Shh.” Leon shushed in Homid form as he peered around the corner into the ally. He saw a couple of bodies but no enemies. He couldn’t smell them either. He motioned everyone to follow him. As they cautiously follow him, the sight of the bodies grossed out Rini. She stopped.
Leon spoke to her, “Stay close. Stay calm.”
“No, I can’t… I… ” Her eyes looked anywhere but at the bodies.
Leon walked over and looked straight into her eyes. “Listen even as Sailor Scouts, the world you live in is just a sugar-coated topping. Underneath is the real world and this is war. If you’re going to survive, you need to control the gag reflex and learn to pull the trigger.” He looks at the others. “That goes for everyone. This is not a war of energy. It’s a war of blood and tears.” He continued to examine the bodies, crouching down to get a closer glance, but there was something he couldn’t understand. “These people were shot in broad daylight.”
“Well duh,” Mina commented.
Leon shot her a look. “With a high powered rifle… possibly automatic. Did anyone hear gunfire?”
Everyone shook their head. Leon stood up. “These wounds are fresh. They passed 20 minutes ago… tops.”
“Uh Leon,” Rini pointed behind them.
Leon looked up as five men in trench coats blocked the entranceway. They stopped just inside the entrance and pulled out firearms that Leon had never seen before. The muzzle was longer and sleeker than normal. Leon glanced around and saw large metal crates piled five paces away.
“GET BEHIND THOSE CRATES!” he yelled as bullets began to fly. There were no sounds made, the guns were silent as they fired. Almost everyone made it to the crates safely. Rini collapsed on the ground after a bullet hit her right shoulder.
“RINI!” Serena shrieks.
“Shimatta.” Leon curses under his breath. “Garou Battle Art: Speed of Thought.” Leon moved as quickly as the wind. He jumps to where Rini had fallen, grabs her, and immediately jumps back to safety. However, a stray bullet hit his left thigh. “Argh… silver!” He lay her body down gently on the ground before clutching his left leg. Luckily, it was only a minor injury, but he was worried about Rini.
“Are you okay?” The voice in his head and Lita said at the same time.
“Will you survive or will I have to hurt you far worse than that bullet?” Lita threatened.
“You can’t die.” Amy urged.
“I’M NOT DYING! Silver doesn’t kill Garou. That’s only a myth. Truthfully it only negates their regenerative ability.”
“What are we going to do? No one said anything about guns.” Mina whines.
“We fight fire with fire,” Leon growled. Reaching behind him, he pulled out a nine mm and chambered it.
“You were packing last night!” Lita yelled.
“What do you mean last night?” Mina inquired.
“Let’s just concentrate on staying alive. You can yell at me later.” Leon answered coolly as he fired three shots at the enemy.
“You bet I will.” Lita grumbles.
Serena saw her daughter’s injury and began to cry. She stood up from behind the crates. “You jerks! You shot my daughter! You’re going to pay!” She was going to say more, but Leon quickly pulled her down as more bullets flew by.
“Have you lost your mind?” he exclaimed.
He turned and fired another short burst. Serena got up again and started yelling obscenities when Leon pulled her down. He angrily tore into her, “YOU DO THAT AGAIN, AND I’LL BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF MYSELF!” A pure white light appears on his forehead.
Luckily, Rini groaned and cried for her mother. Serena quickly knelt beside her daughter and wondered what that symbol of light meant on his forehead.
The Scouts’ jaws dropped but Leon is oblivious. He pulls out a vile from his jacket. “Don’t attack until the dust settles. Anyone who breathes this stuff will be stunned for 2 minutes. That should give us time to counter attack.”
“I’ll do the honors.” Serena’s voice was ice-cold. Leon nodded and tossed it at in the middle of the Fomori as if it were a grenade. The vile shattered allowing the liquid inside to mix with the air forming a dust cloud. Sounds of coughing and groaning filled the air.
The dust cleared and Serena pointed her Moon Eternal Tial at the immobilized Fomori. “This is for my daughter!” She summons her power as she calls out her strongest attack, “Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!” A brilliant flash of light spirals from her Eternal Tial as she releases her power repeatedly.
Everyone stares at her for she has this satisfied smirk on her face, except for Leon who was crouching hear Rini. When everyone finally looked over, they saw a soft white light emitting from his hand over Rini’s wound as he chanted, “Garou Mystic Art: Mother’s Touch.”
The wound healed in a matter of seconds. Rini slowly opens her eyes. Leon then whipped out a small Army knife and quickly limped out of sight around the corner. Many obscenities came from the direction he had gone in.
“What’s he doing?” inquired Raye.
Mina placed her hand on the bridge of her nose. “I can’t take much more of this. He goes and digs a bullet out of his leg. I think I’m gonna puke from thinking about it.”
“And dressing the wound.” Amy adds as they hear the sound of fabric being torn.
Mina runs to the edge of the ally, and gags. Sure enough, Leon walks back to the group with a piece of his shirt wrapped around his left thigh. “Before you guys say anything, I am NOT going to the hospital. With the silver out of there, it will heal in about an hour. Whoa! Check-mate, definitely.” He exclaims as he looks over to the pile of smoking ash.
Rini runs over to him, and hugs him. “Thank you.” She notices Tuxedo Mask had finally arrived. “Thank you for finally showing up. One problem: You’re LATE!”
Darien looks at the group, the pile of ash, and then towards Leon, and merely shrugs as he comments, “Sorry, I got tied up in traffic and had to deal with my future mother-in-law…”
Serena walks over to him, slaps him before turning on heel and walking away to her daughter.
Leon placed a hand on Rini’s head, “You’re welcome. Just don’t sing any songs about me.”
That broke the ice as the Scouts burst into laughter, including Mina who had returned from her gagging. Rini looked puzzled. Darien still stunned form the slap.
“Never mind.” Leon looks up. “That bullet that hit her was the first one fired.”
Everyone was shocked.
“What does that mean?” Serena couldn’t believe it.
“It means that they were targeting Rini. I have to go somewhere. Mina, is your camera a Polaroid?”
Mina nodded.
“May I borrow it?” She nods and hands him the camera. Leon snapped a picture of the only rifle to survive. Taking the picture, he returns the camera to Mina. Then he picks up the gun, disengages the clip, and pocketed the bullet. “You guys should clear out of here before the cops arrive. I’m going to get some answers. When I get back, I want to train you all. I doubt that you’ll want to carry firearms, so I’ll have to show you ways to use your powers against them.” With that, he walked off with a slight limp. Passing Darien, he pats him on the shoulder, “Way to go, Tuxy Boy. Next time, try being a warrior instead of a cheerleading. Oh, and get some better excuses.”

Leon’s wound had healed as soon as he arrived at the police station, and he was walking normally. He deposited the material from around his leg into a nearby trashcan. “Now to signal my contact.” He took out his laser pen and wiggled the light into one of the windows. He flashed the light three then four times before walking into the police station.
When he got to the desk, the clerk asked, “What forms do you need?”
“Don’t bother, the Chief is expecting me.”
“Oh it’s you. So tell me, it takes the Chief at least a week to see me, why is it that you just walk in and you get him all to yourself in five minutes.”
“Just my endearing personality.”
Just then, the Chief walked up to them. “I have some information for you but I want to talk in Private.” Leon looked at the Police Chief.
“As always.”
They entered the office and the chief walked to his desk. “So what’s the information?” All he heard in response was something sliding across his desk. As he looked at the photograph, his face paled.
“We’ve been friends since I come to Tokyo. I’ve never seen you drop the ball like this. I believe this is one of yours, isn’t it.”
The Chief rubbed his chin and sighed. “This is one of the department’s specials, the M60-RT, otherwise known as the Quicksilver. They were being tested when five of them were stolen. They have a built-in silencer and a quick load chamber. We found the kickback terrible, making it less accurate. Where did you get this picture?”
Leon curled his lip. “I took that picture. A lot of them were used against my friends and me. Ironically, they used silver bullets.” Leon placed the bullet on the desk. “The not being accurate part is fortunate. Besides me, one of my friends got hit.” He leaned over the desk, “and she CAN’T regenerate.”
“She’s not Garou?” Leon narrowed his eyes. “Oh boy.”
“One weapon survived. It’s in the third alley after the old diner going east. The only logical explanation is that you have a mole in the department. Find out who it is and get in touch with me.”

During this conversation, a pale man stood listening and scratching at his skin every so often. “They’re on to me. I have to warn my Masters.” With this, he slunk away from the door, clocked out early claiming illness, and quickly left.
What the pale man failed to notice was a young girl dressed in all leather with purple streaks through her blonde hair watching him as he spied on Leon and the Chief. It was only after he left that she stood up, and spoke to no one in particular, “Well, well, looky here. I think I’m going to have to do some exterminating should he prove to be a threat to my plans. He should pay for hurting that child even if she can be annoying at times. I intend to find out why she was the target.” With that said, she vanished into thin air, with every intention to get some answers of her own from her favorite source: her parents.
The officer at the desk noticed her disappearing out of the corner of his eye. Turning to stare down the hallway where he could have sworn he saw a girl standing there a few moments before. Rubbing his eyes, he thought to himself, “No more Irish coffee for this officer. Maybe I’ll cut back on my doughnut intake as well.”

Next Chapter 6: Wyld Hearts...
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