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Sadness and Heartbreak

By V-Babe

This was the spot.

She didn’t know why she always came back here. The spot held too much pain, and too many sad memories.

She could still recall all of it in her mind. The monsters, the thorns, his pain, her fear. And yet, he’d still shielded her and asked if she was OK. It had all happened so fast…

Why couldn’t she have removed those darn thorns? She’d nearly had them! Had he left the Negaverse only to die?

The irony was, it seemed that way.

Molly thought back on what he’d been like before he’d been stabbed by those thorns. He was mysterious, to say the least. Maybe that’s why she’d been attracted to him. The long curly hair and the deep unmistakable voice had added points, too. She’d never known he’d been in the Negaverse until that night he’d come to save her from those monsters.

Had she known he was evil, would she ever have helped him? Would she ever have shielded him from Sailor Moon’s tiara? Would she ever have brought him that jewel? Helped him find the Silver Imperium Crystal?

Too many questions, not enough answers. Ironically, that seemed to be the way it was with first loves. She was dating Melvin now, but Nephlite would always hold a special place with her. After all, he had protected her more than once or twice. She wondered briefly how their relationship might have worked out if they ever did get to go out for chocolate parfait. He seemed to have honestly loved her. No, not seemed. Molly knew he definatly had loved her. Otherwise he might have just left her in the hands of those monsters.

Overwhelmed by the memories, Molly fell to her knees in a sobbing heap. It just wasn’t fair! He was ready to leave the Negaverse and possibly start dating her. How could it have happened?

What hurt Molly most was the fact that she had to keep Nephlite a secret. After all, who would believe her when she told them she had almost got a date with the millionare Maxfield Stanton? Certainly nobody would believe Maxfield had really been a villain named Nephlite.

No, not a villain. Just a friend in wolf’s clothing. That made her sob harder.

Don’t forget me, came a voice. I just want you to know you’re in my heart.

“And you’re in mine, Nephlite,” she managed to whisper softly through her tears.