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A Shameless Piece of Enrique/Moegi Fluff

By V-Babe

A/N: This is my shameless attempt at a piece of Enrique/Moegi fluff lacking in the world of Skies of Arcadia fanfiction. This story takes place on Crescent Isle, just before the final battle against Galcian. If you haven’t finished the game, this story is FULL of spoilers! You have been warned!


“Princess Moegi?”

Moegi jumped slightly at the sound of Enrique’s voice. She had been standing at her favorite spot on Crescent Isle, just outside the living quarters overlooking the lake. She had just seen the sun barely peek over the horizon when her lover arrived.

“Prince Enrique…I’m sorry, I did not hear you…did I wake you?”

Enrique shook his head. “No, I’ve been awake myself for a while now. I’m amazed we’re the only two out here, nobody can be sleeping peacefully right now.”

Moegi nodded, and even though it was practically dark Enrique could tell Moegi was upset. Her face lacked its usual radiant happiness. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” Moegi replied softly, turning her face away from Enrique.

Enrique said nothing, but walked closer to Moegi. When he stood right in front of her, he now clearly saw something was deeply troubling her…and he had a feeling he knew exactly what it was. He reached to Moegi and brushed away a handful of the black hair hiding her face. “Princess Moegi,” he asked again in a gentle voice, “Please…tell me what’s wrong.”

Moegi finally realized there was no way she could keep this a secret from Enrique. “It is the battle today,” she admitted, although she avoided Enrique’s eyes. “I have full confidence in Vyse, and I know we have so many other air pirates beside us, but…but I cannot help but wonder…but worry…” Moegi couldn’t continue.

Enrique was silent for a few more seconds, then laid his hands on Moegi’s shoulders. When she looked into his face, he smiled reassuringly. “Princess Moegi, before I even met Vyse, he had broken through Valua’s entrance and gathered two of the Moon Crystals. And that was in a small fishing boat. No lives were lost then. With a ship as powerful as the Delphinus, Vyse is sure to keep his entire crew safe.” Enrique then took Moegi’s hands into his, squeezing them gently and looking into her eyes. “And you know I will protect you with my life,” Enrique added softly.

Of course Moegi knew that. She had known Enrique would defend her ever since he stood up for her to Muraji. The sun was rising further now, casting a glow that allowed Moegi to clearly make out Enrique’s face even though it was still shadowed. He wore the same expression of quiet, strong dignity that Moegi had always loved about him.

It had been his face she longed to see after Ramirez burned Crescent Isle. She had longed for his arms, knowing if he was there she would feel safe. But now that he was here, vowing to sacrifice his own life for hers…

“Prince Enrique,” she whispered, “I almost lost you once…” She choked at the memory of her horror at hearing Valua had been destroyed…

In response, Enrique slowly took her into an embrace. “You will never lose me,” he promised. “Not now, not ever. I will be by your side as long as you want me there.”

Moegi returned Enrique’s hug. “I want you with me forever.”

“Then that is how long I will be with you.”

Enrique hugged Moegi as close to him as he possibly could, stroking her long raven hair. Only now did he realize how much he had missed her during his brief time back in Valua. When his own mother had sentenced him to the dungeons, the memory of Moegi had haunted his mind. He had missed her smile…her cute little laugh…her soft features…what had been worse was the thought he may never see her again. If Belleza had not helped him, would he have been able to keep his promise to return to the woman he loved?

Moegi leaned against Enrique’s shoulder, hugging him tighter as he drew her closer. Prince Enrique…if only I could stay here forever in your arms… She felt safe and protected in his embrace, grateful for Enrique’s warmth and strength.

The two stood like this in loving silence for several minutes. But they didn’t need to say anything. No words could describe the love that was passing between the two during these moments of the early dawn.

Moegi slowly stepped back, forcing Enrique to loosen his hold just enough for her to look into his eyes. “Thank you, Prince Enrique.”

Enrique lifted one arm to caress Moegi’s cheek. Slowly, almost shyly, he leaned his head towards hers. Happily, he noticed Moegi doing the same. He closed his eyes and felt the soft brush of Moegi’s lips against his as he kissed her with all he felt for her.

When they finally broke away from the kiss, the sun had fully risen. Moegi smiled at Enrique, making his heart soar.

“Princess Moegi,” he began, “After Galcian is defeated, I must return to Valua. Will you…” Enrique paused, then knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. “What I want to ask, Princess Moegi, is if you will accompany me back to Valua…as my wife.”

Moegi’s face reflected hopeful surprise. “Prince Enrique…are you asking me to…”

“Yes,” he answered. “Marry me, Princess Moegi. If you did you would make me the happiest man on Arcadia.”

Moegi smiled bigger than Enrique had ever seen her do. “How can I refuse you? Yes, Enrique, I will happily marry you!”

Overjoyed, Enrique stood and lifted Moegi into the air, spinning her in a circle. A few seconds later, they heard the sounds of the rest of the Blue Rouges rising.

“Vyse will be awake soon,” Enrique noted. “And knowing him…he’ll be ready to attack Galcian immediately.” With some regret that his private moment with Moegi was almost over, he squeezed her hand. “Are you ready?”

“With you by my side, Prince Enrique, I am ready for anything.”

Enrique smiled, brushing Moegi’s cheek. “Just Enrique. The time for such formalities is over.”

Moegi giggled, blushing slightly. “Yes…yes, you are right.” She looked into Enrique’s eyes and returned his smile. “I love you, Enrique.”

“I love you too, Moegi.”

A loud yawn drew the attention of the couple. They discovered Aika walking towards them, obviously not having slept well the last night. “What, you two are already awake?” she asked in amazement. “Wow, I’m amazed you’re looking so perky…” Aika’s tired face suddenly became a playful smirk. “So…have I interrupted anything?”

“No, Aika,” Enrique replied, “Actually you haven’t.”

“DANGIT!” Aika exclaimed as she snapped her fingers. “Why can’t I walk in on you two kissing or something?”

Laughing, Enrique and Moegi turned away from Aika and walked towards the tavern to await Vyse.

Moegi…Enrique thought. No matter what happens during this battle, you and I will always stay by each other’s sides. Remember that.