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By Rinny

"Ok! Welcome to the Soul Calibur Tryouts!!" Announced a producer. The room was buzzing with fighters from around the globe....all wanting to make it into the next Namco fighting game.
"Now lets start with the basic characters, shall we?"
"Kilik, would Kilik please come up here and tell us a bit about yourself?"
Up to the stand came Kilik, a muscled male fighter with a huge mirror on his back.
"Kilik, we want you to be our main male's that sound?"
"Cool." He responded.
"Well, just fill out these forms and we're all set!"
The secretary, Chie, hands Kilik about 300 forms to fill out.
"HOLY CRUD!!" Kilik gasps.
"I know, I know, but they are quite necessary you see. Realease forms and things like that." One of the producers states.
"Ok....well...anybody got a pen?" Kilik asks.
As Kilik is filling out the pile of forms chaos is erupting in the studio.
A tall girl with pulled back, black hair and a mask covering her face comes in and slumps into a chair.
"Man, I'm beat!" She exclaims to the "person" next to her.
"Hey sugar, wanna go back to my hotel after this?" Says the voice next to her. "We could have dinner and go to a know...just us."
Taki looks beside her to find Maxi, the nunchaku weilding pirate.
"My goodness! You must use a gallon of hair gel a day!" She exclaims, not thinking.
"Everybody says that...." He looks down at his shoes.
"Well, what do you say sugar?" He tries again.
"I fight evil beings inhabiting a shrine in the mountains of Japan that was built out of the wood that was confiscated from the handles of dead warriors swords and sheilds. I also live there alone and am a master of swords. I use a normal one, my beloved Rekki-Maru and a possesed sword, Mekki-Maru that became invincible when melded with a fragment from the original Soul Edge, the sword that killed and possed so many people it is unimaginable to count." She says in one really quick breath. "Don't call me sugar."
"Oh....I see...hows about tonight at 8:30?"
"Sounds good."
"Mothers maiden name?" Kilik asks the producers.
"Yes, please limit it to 200 characters, sir."
Suddenly in bursts Seung MiNa, with Hwang on her tail.
"Neener Neener Neener! You won't catch me!" She shouts.
"MiNa!!! Common!! Put DOWN the zanbatoh!!" Hwang franically tries to remove it from her hands.
"Ok!! Boys in that room over there, females stay here!" One of the producers finally shout, hoping to settle the group.
Instead the room erupts in a flight of rage and the producers scatter.
"Oh goody." Seung MiNa says as she stares blankly at the room around her.
"HELLO!!! *Hic*" Is the sound a blonde haired female makes as she pops out of nowhere into MiNa's face.
"ACKKK!!! A RAT!!" She screams and starts slicing the air.
"Hee hee!" Sophitia, being intoxicated from her engagement party earlier that afternoon is stumbling around the studio scaring everyone bv popping into their faces.
Taki, all this time is in the ladies room, sharpening her katanas and is spared Sophie-Shock.
Cervantes Walks into the room and behind him is his darling little daughter...Ivy.
"Daddy, I beleive i'm in the right studio! Finally!" She exclaims and huggs Cervantes, her father.
"Yes my dear, I must go now and tend to my business, but best of luck to you and Spot.
"Yes we will be perfectly fine papa! toodles!" She waves.
"She takes a seat in a chair in the corner and works on her needlepoint a bit before taking out a book and reading. When Sophie, still drunk as a skunk comes around, Ivy just pats her on the head and gives her a dog treat.
"ARF!" Sophie barks and starts romping around again.
"What an adorable little puppy, but i wonder what its doing here?"
Halfway through tryouts in come a small child like girl with a scared look on her face.
"Uh...excuse me...pardon'am? Could somebody please help me?"
She tries to get Sophie's attention but it doesn't work.
Leaving to go to the restroom to freshen up she finds Taki in there, playing air guitar on Mekki-Maru.
"uh....sorry miss." Xingy closes the door and goes back out to the studio.
Spotting Ivy in the corner reading she walks over.
"Oh hello, sorry to interupt but...where are the producers? I would like to try out for this see." Xingy points to her sword and smiles.
Pulling her nose out from her book, Ivy looks up.
"Well...i don't know....i think they scattered and haven't come back just to wait!"
"Oh....thank you."
"Here have a seat." Ivy points to the seat next to her.
"So, what book are you reading?"
"Me? Oh just an old text on ancient sorcery." She smiles.
"AH......ok" Xingy forces a confused smile.
"You see me and spot are trying out too."
"You have a puppy!!??" Xingy loves puppies....
"Oh heavens no! Daddy is allergic...but spot is my snakesword.
"I'll give you a demonstration." Ivy says, ripping off her buckles shirt and pants to reveal a tight purple outfitewith high heeled boots...
"oh my!" Xingy gasps as Ivy propells the sword every which way.
"Sorry gotta go....." Xingy slips away. Ivy waves and hits herself with her whip.
"Oh $#!&!!" She screams and is taking away by the ambulance.
"Hi! I'm MiNa!! Seung MiNa walks over and extends a hand.
Xingy can't help but look at the large bladed stick in her opposite hand....comparing it to her dinky sword...
"oh...don't be afraid...i'm trained!" MiNa proudly states, puffing out her chest proudly.
"yah, paper trained!" Says taki sarcastically.
Mina promtly slices Mekki-Maru in half and continues her convo with Xingy.
"Well, do you know where i can find a producer?" She asks MiNa.
"Hmm....nope but i'll find you one right now...." Mina swings her head around and not knowingly swings her body too....including the bladed zanbatoh, nearly slicing xingys head.
"Heavens." Xingy says as she climbs up from the floor.
"Oh....sorry." MiNa says.
"THERE HE IS!!!!" Ivy, newly returned from the hospital shouts(with not a scratch on her i might add....hmmm)
Four of the women(sophie, ivy, taki and seung mina) run at the producer with fire in their eyes.
"Now ladi....ahhh!" he screams as they all tackles him...punching and kicking and pulling his hair.
"Oh goodness....this is going to be a tough job.."Xingy says as she onlooks.
Just then, Her sisters ghost, Xianglian comes in and moves into Xingy's body for a moment.
"ALL OF YOU!!! STOP THAT!!!! OR I'LL TAKE THIS SWORD AND..." Xingy regains control before her sister can finish.
The room is quiet, everyone staring at Xingy....
"Oh....uh.....carry on." She says nervously.
They shrug and continue to pulverize the producer.
Xingy sits down and starts to write the script.
"Prolouge....the bea-u-tif-ul princess Xingy gets carried away on a white chariot drawn by swans by the handsome Kilik....and they live happily ever after. Oh yah....everybody else are ou....their servants!"
Contented with the story she mails it to namco under the producers name.