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The Mysterious Gundam Part 5 of the Duo Saga!

by Nova Girl

Heero meet Sandrock and Shenlong once they returned to their base. He heard Quatra arguing to Wufei as they got out. "I'm telling you Wufei," Quatra said "I saw it."

"So, let me get this straight." said a confused Wufei "You telling me that it was another Gundam that help us with those mobile suits back there?"


"Your weak, Quatra. Or you were just seeing things."

"What's going on?" Heero asked the two.

"Quatra said he saw another Gundam." Wufei said.

"I did." Quatra said then decided to change the subject, he looks at Heero "How's Duo doing?"

* * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, in the infirmary, Trowa had begun cleaning Duo up. "Darn," was all he could manage as he bandaged up the battered short haired pilot, "OZ went too far this time." Trowa thew a thick blanket over Duo and made himself at home in the chair next to him, to make sure he made it through the night ahead.

* * * * * * * * *

"Enemy attack!"

"Who's the enemy?!"

"It's a Gundam!"

"What?! AHHHHHHH!" The red, black, and white Gundam slash at Leo with it's triple beam scythe, destroyed it and later destroyed everything else.

* * * * * * * * *

Hours later, Duo's eyes slowly fluttered open, the bright light causing his eyes to shiver in pain and he turned his bruised face in the direction of the sleeping Trowa next to him in a chair. "Trowa.."

Trowa woke up with a start and saw the short haired Deathsycthe pilot looking at him weakly. "Duo?" he asked. Duo made a motion to sit up but a screech of pain eased through his lips and he slowly laid back down. Trowa pulling the blanket back up to Duo's chin. "Don't move." he instructed, reaching for the glass of water and spilling some into Duo's dry mouth.

"What happened? How did I get here?" Duo muttered, coughing slightly as he swallowed the water rapidly.

"We rescued you from OZ." Trowa answered, bandaging up another cut.

"Trowa," he went into a coughing fit. "Trowa," he repeated. "Why didn't you leave me there?" He began to cough again. "I...I" He couldn't finish what he was planning on saying do to the hacking coughs that wracked his body.

"Duo," Trowa started "You're not making any sense."

Suddenly, Quatra ran in. "Trowa," he said "You just got to see..." He stopped when he saw the awake Deathsycthe pilot "Duo!" he said happily "Hey, Heero, Wufei! Come in here quick! Duo's awake!"

Heero ran in side but Wufei stayed by the door, just staring. "So," Wufei said "The traitor is awake."

"Wufei!" Heero yelled at him giving his famous death glare "That's not true, and you know it."

Trowa turn and looked at the blonde haired Sandrock pilot. "What did you want me to see, Quatra?"

"Oh," Quatra said and hands him a picture "Noin send this to us."

Trowa looked at the picture. It was a battle and through the smoke there was an image of a Gundam. "It looks like Deathsycthe." he said.

"Wha." Duo words were heard by weak coughs "Give it to me."

"Sure." Trowa said as he handed it to him. Duo looked at the picture.

Duo looked at the picture. "It does." he said.