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Waiting for Daylight

by Mina

The night was quiet and peacefull. The moon showed her full face and millions of stars twinkled in the heavens. A soft breeze drifted in through the window. Everything was serene and quiet in the night. Moonlight shone down and colored the room in sliver and blue tones.

Xianghua stood in the doorway to Kilik's room and tried to steady herself. Ever so slowly, she crept towards the bed where he was sleeping. Her shoes made soft tapping noises as she walked foreward. Finally, she stopped at the edge of the bed and kneeled down to look at him, closer.

Xingy looked at the figure in the bed and sighed. Kilik was curled up on his side holding the kali-yuga in one hand. His brown hair was spread out on the pillow that supported his head. Even in sleep he wore the mirror, dvapara-yuga. Despite the mirror's akward size, she could still see his broad shoulders and muscular build. Xingy thought that Kilik looked so peaceful sleeping, it was hard for her to imagine that his soul was poisoned by the Soul Edge and that he would even need the mirror.

Her eyes studied his face. She had seen him train with his weapon and his face had hardened into that of a warrior's, but in sleep he looked peaceful and untouched. The scar on his face was hard to see, and if Xingy hadn't leaned in close to look, she wouldn't have seen its outline. Carefully, she leaned in and kissed him there.

Carefully, Xingy traced a finger along that scar and wished that he could only know how she felt about him. But for some reason, she had not told him so.

She studied him closer and thought. She needed to tell him, to take the weight off her heart. Xingy finally resolved that after days and weeks of hoping, she had to take action. She would tell him tomorrow.

Smiling at her resolution, Xianghua looked wistfully at Kilik and stood. She walked calmly towards the door and then turned to look back at Kilik. She blew him a kiss from where she stood, wishing that she could really kiss him. Xingy turned and left the room, waiting for the next day to come.