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The Angel of Peacecraft

By Lady Tempest

Before the delegation of the Earth Sphere Unified Nations, and the representatives of the colonies, stood a young Peacecraft by the name of Releena. Only she used the name Darlin. She preached about keeping and maintaing peace. Preaching out preventing wars before they start. Each member of the delegation hang on to every word. Reelena sensed it. she didn't look at it. She only continued her speech as if she had the undivided attention to do so. Heero was here. Where he always is. Looking over her. Above her, like a guardian angel. When ever he decided to look over her, she felt more relaxed. Felt more self confident.

"Please. To maintain peace in the colonies, and continued peace here on Earth, we must learn to be the first to act in more peaceful manners. Try to work out our differences before hand instead of using guns. We should take note and learn from the previous war. Khushrenada. Merquiese. Marimaya. From war, to peace, to revaluation. In will this waltz end. It it US that must take action. In the heat of the battle many things can be lost. Homes, Lives, humanity. By pulling together, and embracing peace. Embracing the pacifist ways, we might end wars all together....." she spoke.

Heero heard her words. His heart wanted to believe her. He wanted to believe her when The space battle ended. Then came Mariamaya. Then once again, he needed to use the Mecha Wing Zero. Now, even if another battle should erupt, he was powerless to defend the colonies. Powerless to defend Earth. Powerless to defend Reelena. Wufei joined the Preventers. Quatre returned back to take care of the family business with his sister. Trowa returned to the circus. And Duo is staying with Hildie, and doing scrap work on L2. He had Reelena. He had to watch over her. Sometimes he didn't believe her words. He looked down at her from the balcony seats. He saw her pouring her heart out. He couldn't help but trust what she was doing. All he is. He is nothing more than a soldier who sometimes lusts for battle, but also finds comfort in peace. "Reelena" whispered Heero. He enjoyed being her Angel. It made him feel like he was doing a lot of good in his life. Looking after the Angel that preserved peace.

There were other reasons he looked after her. He noticed little things when he was around her in the past. Like the feeling he had when she smiled. The courage and fearlessness she had when he tried to kill her. Somehow she knew he would never go through with it. He even enjoyed it when she chased him from school to school. At first he thought it was annoying. Being chased by a girl. But after the war was over, and he has time to reflect better. He could see the sweetness. He wanted to be the one to save her. He wanted to be the one to look after her. HE wanted to be her angel. He looked on as Reelena finished her speech. She looked on around as everyone clapped and conversed with each other. She finally looked up and saw Heero in the balcony. She smiled. Heero looked stunned. And his eyes widened.

Reelena looked away then back up. He was gone. He always does that. Comes and goes. But she was still in comfort. He would always be back. He was her angel. Maybe she freaked him out a bit. She was getting better with sensing him. He would have to do a better job to hide from her. Deep inside she didn't like his sneakiness. He just wanted him by her side. She never wanted anything else. She was going to wait for him to decided to do that on her own.

--The End