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A Weird Story - Part 3!

by Kitsunemajic

Next: The Chihuahua

(Scene: Kurama's house in the winter. It is cold. Very cold)

Hiei: *Sitting on the couch* Why am I living with Kurama now?

Kurama: *From kitchen* Because you have no where else to go!

Hiei: I have plenty of places!

Kurama: Like...?

Hiei: ...Go to Reikai

Kurama: Been there, done that. I OWN it. *Grabs coat and keys* Now I'm going to get some anti-freeze and pay some bills and I should be back in like 3 hours. See ya in 3! *Leaves and fish-tails out of drive way*

Hiei: Well since he'll be gone for 3

Kurama: *Swerves back into drive way* IF YOU TOUCH THAT PHONE I'LL HURT YOU!! *Swerves out again*

Hiei: O.O!! How does he do that?! *Sigh* Guess I'll settle for hot chocolate *pauses and waits for Kurama to appear* Good. *Goes in kitchen and makes some hot chocolate* Sweet cocoa...*whimpering from outside* Hm? What the hizzie could that be? *Goes outside* Good Lord it's COLD!! *hears whimpering again* What is that? *Walks to pile of snow whimpering is coming from. Kicks top of pile to finds a Chihuahua* AWWW IT'S SO mean what is that? it or let it die...

Chihuahua: *Pathetic puppy-dog eyes*

Hiei: ...*Mind turns to mush* AWWWWW! *Chibi-fies and quickly carries dog into house*

(Mean while with Kurama)

Kurama: *Stuck in traffic* Darn, darn, darn, darn, darn...

(Back at the house)

Hiei: *Cuddles dog over heater*

Chihuahua: *Happy barks*

Hiei: Well now that you're defrosted let's go find you something to eat! *Searches cabinets* Hmmm...what could I feed a dog? *Opens fridge and spots turkey* Ah-ha.

Chihuahua: *Jumps in fridge and tears into turkey*

Hiei: Awww my widdle doggy was hungry!

Chihuahua: *Barks out feed me! Feed me! *

Hiei: you just ate a whole turkey! he-llo what's this?

(5 hours later)

Kurama: *Walks in looking like Frosty the Snowman* I will kill the rush hourpeople! KILL THE oh sweet mother Mary...

(Food is strewn all over the floor from the kitchen)

Kurama: ...Hiei...would you come out here so I can kill you...?!

Hiei: *Pokes head in* Oh yer back? Come lookie what I found!

Kurama: *Walks in* What the?! *The Chihuahua is sitting in the middle of the kitchen happily eating a whole apple pie*

Hiei: Isn't he cute?! Can I keep him? Pwease?!

Kurama: ...

(2 minutes later)

Kurama: *Boots Hiei & dog out* AND STAY OUT!!

Hiei: *Catches dog* ...Gee what's his problem? I still haven't named you, have I?

Chihuahua: *Barks*

Hiei: Oh well, I'll think of something later. Let's go find somewhere else to stay.


Heh-heh-heh...I know Chihuahuas probably don't eat that much but it was worth it to see Hiei get booted out!

You can also thank my cow of a dog...Bizzy-chan...or as i like to call hime...Inu-yasha