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A Weird Story - Part 2!

by Kitsunemajic

Kurama: Great you've got a cold!

Hiei: *Sneezes* A...cold? I don't feel cold...

Kurama: No I mean your sick.

Hiei: *Jumps up triumphantly* I am not sick! I am *falls back down and cough*sick.

Kurama: Does the Makai have any medicines for colds?

Hiei: No one get's sick in the Makai. *Sneezes and cough. Chibi-fies and pouts*

Kurama: Awww, your all stuffy!

Hiei: I'm what?

Kurama: Stopped up? Your nose is stopped up.

Hiei: Huh?

(Kurama explains term)

Hiei: Ohhh! Ah-ah...never mind false alarm.

Kurama: Okay

Hiei: CHOO! *Sneezes on Kurama* Uh sorry. *Sniffs*

Kurama: -_- Great. Just flippin great. You stay there and don't move until Icome back.

Hiei: Where are you going?

Kurama: *Grabs keys* To buy you some cough syrup. *Leaves house and goes tocar. Drives off*

Hiei: *Moves his leg*

Kurama: *Swerves back into drive way* I SAID DON'T MOVE!! *Drives off again*

Hiei: O.O?! He's good. *Moans* What am I gonna do till he gets back? *Spots phone* Oooh, shiny! *Grabs phone* Now how'd he say how to use these things? Ohyeah, press the buttons! Now which buttons...*Dials in a random number*

Pizza Hut Guy: Hello, this is Pizza Hut how may I help you?

Hiei: Pizza Hut? Oh yeah, that pizza place...*grins* PIZZA! I want a large pepperoni pizza, two pineapple, three cheeses...*place very large order*

PHG: *Reads back order* Where do you want this delivered sir?

Hiei: *Gives Kurama's address* And hurry it up! *Sets phone down* I'm bored again. Hmmm...*dials in another number* I wonder if I'll get a food place again...

O Charley s Guy: Hello this is O Charley s! How may I help you?

Hiei: Uh do you guys do take out?

OCG: Yes we do. (they actually don t but it moves the story along)

Hiei: Oh...well I want *places even bigger order* and some tea.

OCG: Well we ve just run out of the beer-battered shrimp and

Hiei: well just give me the rest of the order.

OCG: Okay our guy should be over in 2 hours tops.

Hiei: Right. *Sets phone down* Waah now I'm hungry and bored! Oh well. *Falls asleep*

(5 hours later)

Kurama: *Walks in door* Traffic is murder I tell you! Murder!! *See Hiei*..HIEI!!

(Hiei's on the floor with 100 dozen pizza boxes, 60 take out boxes, shrimp(they weren't out after all), and 8 pitchers of tea. The air smells of beer and pine apple and Hiei's stomach is bigger than his whole body)

Hiei: *Groans* I think I overdosed on shrimp ohhhh...


Hiei: I got hungry and ordered take out.

Kurama: *Eyes nearly pop out of their sockets* What?! And how much did all of this cost!?

Hiei: Uh they told me 400 yen plus tax so I guess it s....oh 600-650.

Kurama: *Faints*

Hiei: Eh, not a bad idea. *passes out*

(5 angry, stomach pumping hours later)

Hiei: *Looks like he s on his death bed* Ahhh...

Kurama: Geez you re burning up! Oh wait, I got your cough medicine. *Holds upbottle of Robatussien* Says for people 18 and over to drink 2 cups. Well, here ya go.

Hiei: *Takes off measuring cup and cap. Sniffs medicine and recoils* What the heck is this?!

Kurama: The stuff that could cure you! Now come on, do it or I ll force feed it to you!

Hiei: Okay, okay. *Drinks dosage and turns an interesting shade of purple*

Kurama: Hiei? Are you okay?

Hiei: ...*Starts to drool*

Kurama: Hiei you re scaring me...

Hiei: *Quickly runs to bathroom and throws up everything he s ever ate in the past week (it actually makes you do that!)*

Kurama: O_o What the heckl? *Picks up bottle and reads label* Warning: May causemotion sickness, excessive vomiting, vertigo, and delirium?! What the heck is this, LSD?!

Hiei: *Comes out of bathroom and passes out on bed* Oh I feel sick.

Kurama: You look like it too. I swear this is Opium.

Hiei: Ugh...*pukes on bed and passes out on the floor*

Kurama: O_o?! Okay we re going to a doctor.

(The next day at the doctor s office)

Doctor: Well Hiei, you re actually in perfect condition! No signs of a cold oranything!

Kurama: What?! But he was coughing and sneezing! And he had a high fever!

Doctor: Did you give him anything?

Kurama: Uh just some Robatussien but that was more like some bad acid then a cough syrup!

Doctor: Did he take the proper dosage?

Hiei: 2 cups for 18 and older. Then I started vomiting and I was all dizzy and...

Doctor: ...excessive vomiting, vertigo and delirium...?! It should not do that!Hmmm...I wonder...*takes off label* Oh my...

Kurama: Well? What is it?

Doctor: It IS cannabis!

Kurama and Hiei: 0_0

Doctor: There s been a string of cases like yours where people accidentally by bottles of liquefied cannabis disguised as Robatussien.

Kurama: ...Clever.

Doctor: I know.

Hiei: So what do you suggest we do then?

Doctor: Well you could get his stomach pumped or surgery or you could just let the drug run it s course.

Kurama: ...*Thinks*

Hiei: ...*Vomits again*

Kurama: Stomach pump. Quickly.

(3 hours later at the hospital)

Kurama: Hiei? How do you feel?

Hiei: *On operating table* Terrible.

Kurama: Uh well the doctors said they re gonna keep you over night is that okay.

Hiei: Ugh...*pukes over table*

Kurama: Oh and that will pass too. So do you want me to stay or...?

Hiei: *Vomits again*

Kurama: ...Alright I ll just stay then.

(Next day at Kurama s house)

Kurama: *Carrying Hiei on his back* And here we are, home sweet home.

Hiei: Ugh...

Kurama: If you throw up on my back I m going to...hurt you.

Hiei: *Rolls off Kurama s back and onto the couch* Oh boy.

Kurama: Well at least you aren t sick anymore! Hey, cannabis cures colds!Ironic huh?

Hiei: *Glares at Kurama*

Kurama: Right. I ll just go now. Do you want something?

Hiei: Sleep.

Kurama: Right. *Leaves*

Hiei: *Falls asleep on couch*


Oh an just in case anyone s wondering Robatussien DOES make you drool and vomit cause it s so strong.

And thus ends another Bad Idea .