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Chapter 1: Legend

By White Luster Soldier

Monday 2:00 PM, Hikagawa Shrine

Amy, Rei, Lita and Mina along with Artemis were all at the temple, waiting for Serena to show up. “She’s late again”, stated Lita. “So what else is new” Rei remarked with frustration. Rei was kneeling upright with her arms folded with a scowl on her face, which was usually there when it came to Serena. “She’s always late. I swear, the day she comes on time I think I’ll die of shock” At that exact moment Serena burst into the room, red faced and puffing like she’d just ran a marathon. “Sorry I’m late, guys” Serena squeaked. But everyone forgot all about the tardiness when they saw Luna. Serena was holding Luna in her arms and Luna did not look much better than she did the night before. As Serena put Luna down, Luna’s steps were still shaky and uneven, and her eyes just couldn’t seem to stay focused. “Luna, what happened? Are you alright?” asked Artemis. “Come on, say something. “Shut up”, gasped Luna as she collapsed in the middle of the group. “Luna!”, everyone shouted. A few minutes went by and Luna had still not moved. Finally, Artemis got the courage to go over to her. “Luna, you ok?” Artemis asked, shaking her. Luna smacked him one screaming “I’m having enough time staying conscious without you jiggling my brains out, SO STOP SHAKING ME!!” Luna panted a bit from the sudden exertion. “Well, it looked like you sensed something as well. Must have been pretty powerful.” Stated the now very serious Artemis, “to be truthful I sensed something as well. That’s the reason I had Mina call this meeting. Should we tell them?” “Not yet,” panted Luna,” we must be absolutely sure of the situation first.” “All right Luna, but isn’t your condition proof enough?” Luna just glared at Artemis. “Ok, Luna. Mina, Did you buy that newspaper I asked for? “Yeah, I got it right here.” replied Mina. “ There are two major headlines; one on a crash at Tokyo Tower with no apparent source, and one on a police death with some incriminating evidence as to..” Mina’s eyes widened “ er… to his activities.” Lita snatched the paper and cocked an eyebrow. “A police pedophile, niiiice.” She said with biting sarcasm. “I only wish I could have beat him. “Do you always have to be so blunt, Lita?” commented Amy “we really didn’t need to know that much. That cop died horribly. The article says that he died of thirteen slash marks, all happening milliseconds from each other. And all the wounds were instantly cauterized.” Everyone stared blankly at Amy. “Burned. But anyway, we are on a completely different subject, like what caused these and what is the connection”. “She’s right” piped up Serena. “Usually when she senses something it’s the negaverse. “ Serena gave a sorrowful look at the still twitching Luna. “And for her to sense something this strong… well, let’s just say this is going to be an extremely tough battle (sigh) I guess I’ll just have to wait until that new Sailor V movie comes out on video.” Everyone sweatdrops.
“What we need now is a plan” stated Rei. “And we need to act as soon as possible.” “Well…” Amy rested her chin in her hand. “I agree we need to do this as quickly as possible. There are two sites, so I think we should split up into two groups. Group one will be myself, Rei and Serena. Serena, you’ll have to carry Luna with you. We will check out Tokyo Tower. The second group shall be Mina and Lita, accompanied by Artemis. They will check out the alleyway. Agreed?” All the scout’s nodded, including Artemis. Luna did not however cause she fell asleep, getting some much needed rest.

3:00pm Tokyo Tower

Rei, Amy, and Serena were walking along the tower paths. Serena was carrying the still sleeping Luna. It indeed looked like a crash of some sort. The metal on places of the tower were melted and twisted, with pieces hanging off here and there. But as they got nearer, they were stopped by police tape. And that’s when they saw them. The couple that was so happy and vibrant was nothing but a faded memory outlined in chalk. Amy saw a glimpse of the bodies and had to look away holding her mouth. It was all she could do to keep from vomiting. “What’s wrong Amy?, “ asked Serena. “Some body died even more horribly than that police officer. That poor soul looked like every last bit of energy was drained from him. He was all brown and the skin was clinging to his bones….” Amy dropped to her knees. “We have to find those responsible for this tragedy” Amy glared at the ground. It was at that moment that Luna began to go ballistic again, though not to the severity as before. Yowling and twisting in her sleep, Serena could only stroke her assuring her it would be alright while holding back her own tears. “We need to head back to the temple.” Serena stated.

3:06pm Alleyway

Mina, Lita, and Artemis arrived at the scene but it was too crowded to really get anywhere. Everyone was pushing and pushing to see what happened. Mina and Lita got to the front just in time to hear the chief of police answering questions from the press.
“Is it true you found in criminating pictures and a audio recording at the scene?
“Although I can not determine the reliability of the items, I will admit we found several pictures and a cassette at the scene.”
“What do you make of the manner of officer Stalin’s death?”
“It was determined that the wounds were caused by some type of sword. But with the severity of the slashes and the time frame in which they were inflicted, we cannot tell whether a group or one lone person attacked him. That is all”
“Wait! Can you tell us…”?
A wall of police officers guiding the Chief to his car then cut off the reporter
“Well that sure was strange” remarked Mina., who was interrupted by a yowl from Artemis. Mina looked down to see Artemis rolling around holding his head from the sensations he was receiving. “Artemis!” Lita and Mina screamed. Mina scooped up Artemis and then they all dashed out of there so the crowd wouldn’t hear Artemis shouting obscenities

5:00pm, Hikagawa Shrine

“So even Artemis went berserk this time?” asked Amy. “Yep,” said Lita. “He was shouting words even I wouldn’t repeat” “So what do we do?” Mina said, her knees tucked under her chin. “We don’t even know who or what we’re fighting here.” “Not exactly” stated Artemis, who had a hot water bottle on his head at this point. “Luna and I know a little about what’s going on here, but it’s all legends and myths. Other than that we have nothing eels to go on. Well, Luna, you want to tell or do I? Luna gestured to him from her place by the sacred fire. “Ok, I guess it’s my show. Here goes.
“Back in the Silver Millennium, there was a great warrior, one of our best. Besides his incredible fighting techniques, what made him so great was his loyalty and determination to defeat the forces of evil, his spirit. Some even say that his soul was so pure, that he was born of emasculate conception. His name was Gado Drakken. Well, he finally fell in our battle with Queen Beryl. But instead of just returning to wherever spirit go, was too big to make that travel, or maybe it felt its work wasn’t done. But either way, the soul shattered into thirteen pieces as it left the body. These pieces flew into the night sky and became the thirteen main stars of the constellation Draco. But it is said that in times of great need, Gado would come back to deliver justice. That is what I feel happened in that alley. Gado has been reborn.”
“That’s all well and all,” stated Lita, who had her arms folded impatiently across her chest, “But what the heck happened to Tokyo Tower? “LITA!” Luna shouted. “And what about that poor couple?” Amy added solemnly. “well, that’s a negaverse legend we uncovered on one of our reconnaissance missions.” Stated Artemis. “This is what it said”
“If the Negaverse is defeated, The Dark Moon itself comes to life. On it’s rampage it sucks the energy out of everything in its path. Once it gets enough energy, it will revive all the forces of the Negaverse.” Everyone’s eyes widened. “The whole negaverse?” Serena whined. “But we had a hard enough time beating them the first time.” “Either way,” Artemis said,” both tales seem to be becoming reality. Take a look at this, Amy, can you hack into the Astronomical database with your computer?” “I can try”
After a few minutes and three chewed up pencils Amy shouted, “I’m in!” “Scan for recent records, like the past to days” said Artemis. Amy obliged. Then a quizzical and fearful look came across her face. “you’re not going to like this guys, but there are reports that both a distant moon and the constellation Draco have vanished with out a trace!” “We’re in for quite a fight” remarked Lita.