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Classified: Prologue

By Becca

*Disclaimer: I do not, I repeat DO NOT own Gundam Wing, any of the pilots, gundams, etc. That's all copyright to Sunrise, etc. I do, however, own my characters and gundams, etc. This is my first fan fic.... please, be gentle with comments... Please send any comments to, subject GWC

A lone figure walked through all the destruction around her. Buildings were crumbling, some still smoking and on fire from the attack. Behind her stood an orange, black, and white gundam with two beam sabers tucked behind it. On its head were two apparatuses that made it look like fox ears.
Quietly she walked through, not making a single sound. She stopped and turned upon hearing a wail. She walked over to see a little girl crying over an unidentifiable corpse.
She quietly kneeled down and asked, "Who is that?"
"My mommy!" the girl wailed.
The girl herself was probably close to death with all her wounds.
"Do you have any other family?" the figure asked while wrapping the girl in her arms.
She nodded, starting to cry in the stranger's arms.
"Where are they?" the figure asked gently.
"Another colony."
The figure sighed deeply as she stroked the girl's dark hair. She then let go and proceeded to her gundam. The little girl looked up horrified.
"You did this!" she exclaimed angrily.
The figure ignored her and jumped into her gundam. Putting a device over her mouth to make her voice raspy, she called onto the radio, "Help! Colony 08FX98 of the L2 cluster has been attacked. There are very few survivors. Come quickly!"
With that, she closed the link and waved to the girl with the gundam's arm. The little girl watched in terror as the gundam disappeared.

From space, the figure watched the colony get smaller. She was almost afraid that the owner would explode the colony anyway, killing whatever had survived.
She sighed and held on to a cross around her neck.
"God forgive me; I've done what I can to help her," she whispered before kissing it and flying deeper into space.

The year is After Colony 198- One short year has passed since the war with gundams and all has been peaceful. However, what started out as rumors of war are turning more into reality each day. A group called the Battre ou Touer has emerged. This group from the outermost colonies is rumored to have a set of gundams even stronger than the ones used to fight one year ago.