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This is the part of my site that's got all the quizzes that are "personality" quizzes. This means all the ones that don't fit into the other two categories 'cause all of them deal with your personality.

These are "personality" quizzes that I've picked up from all over the internet, mostly from Estie's blog. . . they're not mine, but I love them!! *^^*

I am:

sometimes. . .

take the non-offensive quiz.
and go to laura = great.

what adjective are you?
quiz by maikamariel

I'm The Motivator!

Ravenclaws value intellect -- you like things which challenge your mind, whether it be math, art, history, or all of the above and more! You might be somewhat withdrawn, or your intellect might make you a bit mysterious to others.
Get Sorted!

I love these things*^^* -can you tell?