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This is the part of the site that tells you about my pathetic life. . . Do you believe it?

Well, about me. . . I was born in NJ, and I live in Ohio right now. I've been playing the violin since I was four; I'm currently working on the first Seitz Concerto. My mom taught me to read the summer before kidnergarten. Some of my favorite things to do are read- I love fantasy; fool around and play things by ear on my violin, work on my website, surf on the internet, and draw.
The typical stereotype of me would be the person that gets great grades, but has absolutely no social life. I don't go to parties, I hate going to dances, and I pretty much have problems seeing eye to eye with other people. That's fine with me, my "social life" is on the internet. Here, you can pretty much be whoever you say you are.
However, my personality is pretty strange, and I'm a very good actor, so I can be all happy and polite and act like I'm having a great time while I'm plotting to strangle you in my mind. (I wouldn't ever really strangle any one thought - i think, someone may actually get on my nerves that much) My attitude towards almost everyone in my life is just a brave front. I don't think anyone would really understand the real me. I'm frozen in ice, and if you try to melt the ice, you just may melt me with it. My real person has insomnia, and stays awake late at night thinking about the meaning of my life, and cries, at night, alone.
Did I mention that I also enjoy making jewelry?
Now you just have to decide if you believe me. . .

Anyway, here's some stuff to do if you want to die earlier.

1. Say my art looks like Sailor Moon. - while my art isn't all that great, it is not meant to look like Sailor Moon!! Sailor Moon is a pathetic anime with badly drawn lopsided mouths and a horrible story line. For those of you that like Sailor Moon, respect my opinion and I'll respect yours.

2. Call me crazy. - all of us are a bit crazy, I guess I might show my "uniqueness" a bit more than most, but it's no excuse to be rude.

3. Steal my art. - though I don't know why you'd want my drawings, you aren't allowed to take it. If I find it anywhere else on the net (excluding banners) and not credited to me, expect to die early. Very early.

Vital Stats
Name: Catherine
Nicknames: Cat, Kitty Cat, Kitty....
Birthday: 4.5.1988
Gender: F
Ethnicity: Chinese
Favorite Subject: depends on the teacher
Favorite Food: right now, lemonade.
Favorite Things to Do: Read, Write, Surf the Internet, Work on my Website, Play pointless stuff on my violin, draw etc.
Never: Say my art looks like Sailor Moon, or worse yet, DragonballZ. (though it looks nothing like that...)
Tell me I'm crazy. I'm not.
Take my art without crediting and linking me. I swear you'll die. (this excludes banners..) Though, I don't know how you'd get it 'cause I've got the no right click thing on all my art pages...