Vandread Marriage Prospects!

Marriage?! Are you serious?!

Yes folks, as the title above suggests, this is a page dedicated to Vandread Marriage Prospects!
Here, various Vandread fanfic authors (myself included), analyse the chances of someone tying the knot with anyone on board the Nirvana! Enjoy.

This idea was spawned from The Vandread Fanfiction Mailing List and uses the same format used at Anime Marriage Prospects
Any further additions welcome - So if you have one lying around somewhere, Please don't hesitate in sending it my way!

Hibiki Tokai by Ktx_85
Dita Liebely by Spike
Meia Gisborn by Ender
Jura Basil Elden by Tensai Man
Barnette Orangello by jayvid
Magno Vivian (The Boss) (No, Really) by ShadowD

NAME: Hibiki Tokai

LOOKS: Scrawny would be the first word that comes to mind when considering the appearance of one Hibiki Tokai. Size wise, he seems to have gone against what could be considered the norm in the Taraku society as he stands a head shorter than most of the other men. Facial wise, he could be considered average looking, and does not have a particularly macho appearance. In Rabat's own words, "He's a man? He was so cute I thought he was a girl"

SMARTS: When it comes to making up a plan to beat incredible odds and with the timer nearing zero, there is no better than this man. His brilliance at doing so has brought the crew of the Nirvina out of many predicaments. However, his own impulsiveness and general irresponsibility kept him from fully using his abilities in the beginning. Potentially he could become one of the greatest leaders who ever lived, but it was raw talent which needed polishing, and only during the later episodes of the first stage onwards, did this ability show.

PERSONALITY: An independent man, he seems to always want to be in the thick of things, whether it be in battle, or life. Having a tendency to speak before he thinks, he is also has a very stubborn sense of pride, which does cause problems for him as he finds himself unable to apologize for the insensitive things he says to others. Emotions wise, it seems as if Hibiki is more used to those of a negative nature. He has no problem in expressing anger especially. A factor that has caused conflicts several times in the beginning of the series. But when it comes to emotions like caring, or even love, our hero finds himself extremely uncomfortable and at lost of words. As the series progressed he does grow a lot, with the most important fact being that he realizes the importance of the people around him, and how much he truly does rely on those he calls his friends.

COOKING: I'd wager that he'd be unable to cook well, or even cook anything edible by Mejerran standards. However he must be learning SOME tricks from Dita, as he is seen helping her cook in one episode.

FIGHTING SKILLS: Impressive in his Bangata, if placed in a serious hand to hand combat situation, his abilities are found wanting.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: The only one who can use his modified Vanguard to it's potential. Fuses with the girls to form the four different forms of the Vandread family.

COMPETITION: Dita would be the major hurdle for any seeking a relationship with this man. Once chased by Misty as well, he does seem to draw the attention of the females of the ship, but it represents more of a respect than actually attraction. Still, as undoubtedly Hibiki would tell you, one Dita is enough for any man...

IN LAWS: You couldn't get more prestigious in-laws. Grandma and Grandpa, leaders of both planets, and parents of this young man.

ECONOMICS: Money does not seem to be used in the series, or if there is any, Hibiki didn't receive any.

SEX: Maybe as he gets to know Dita more it might possibly happen. Considering his own uneasiness when it comes to dealing with these sort of topics however, that would be a long time coming. Still, one would think he would be used to be in close physical contact with Dita, as the cockpit of Vandread Dita can attest to.

OVERALL: Natural born leader, He has a good heart, yet has a problem with expressing himself. Capable at doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, he is potentially going to grow into a great leader, but don't expect much in the way of sensitivity or the ability to cook or run a household.

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NAME: Dita Liebely

LOOKS: Dita is nothing short of cute. With big eyes, long red hair and a slim figure this is an aspect sure to be a winner.

SMARTS: Dita appears to possess a high level of intelligence - However, Dita usually goes with her feelings and, as a consequence, this intelligence will probably end up taking a back seat to Dita's emotions.

PERSONALITY: What can I say? Dita seems to be eternally happy. Even in the times of most disastrous crisis, Dita will still be her usual, cheerful, out-going self. Basically Dita is quite intent to enjoy life around her and share this joy with the people she likes. She's the type of person that will pick one up when he/she is feeling down. But there is dark side to this: Dita's cheerfulness has only come across due to her knowledge of adversity.
However this out going personality is tainted with her bizarre obsession with making contact with aliens. Still Dita is loyal to those who consider her friends.

COOKING: Another high point. Her cooking skills are efficient and Dita is quite keen to cook for her friends.

FIGHTING SKILLS: As a Dread pilot, Dita does her job well. She is also quite capable of keeping a strong head and stable composition in the heat of battle.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Dita can unite her Dread with Hibiki's bangata to create a really hard arse Vandread mecha.

COMPETITION:: Now things really get sticky: Dita has a fascination with a young man by the name of Hibiki. She seems incredibly loyal to him as well as displaying various tokens of affection towards the hapless engineer. Of course this behaviour could be equated with stalking as Hibiki seems incredibly freaked out by the young girl. But no matter how many times Dita is rejected, she won't give up. Thus competition is incredibly strong and there doesn't seem to be much for anyone vying for Dita's attention.

IN LAWS: There doesn't seem to be any in Dita's case.

ECONOMICS: Piracy may a fun job but there doesn't seem much profit involved. Considering the loot is split amongst the crew, Dita may wind up with a small portion.

SEX: Dita is quite fascinated by the male structure so she may be quite....erm.....enthusiastic. She doesn't seem to put off to the fact she is underage (she's sixteen).

OVERALL: While Dita makes a loyal and trustworthy friend, she is ultimately an unlikely choice as she is far too wrapped up in her pursuits of Hibiki to pay attention to any other men.

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NAME: Meia Gisborn

LOOKS: In-breeding between females seems to have resulted in a race that scarcely seems to have the word 'ugly' in its vocabulary - at least in the physical sense. One would be hard pressed to find a young female of Mejerr who wouldn't qualify as 'beautiful'. That being said however, Meia could care less how she appears. Don't expect make - up or an accessory other than the strange looking head ornament she wears as a remembrance of her past - Meia is all about efficiency and her looks reflect that. Still, the natural beauty of a Mejerran shines through, and there's something about her no-nonsense attitude and cool gaze that can be very attractive. Though not quite as developed as Jura and Dita - excess fat merely gets in the way of her job - the blue haired beauty still manages to turn her fair share of heads.

SMARTS: Her intellect, like most of her life, can be characterized by focus, discipline and capability. Meia is one smart cookie. While not as strategically brilliant as Hibiki, she possesses a keen grasp of strategy and the uncanny ability to simultaneously keep her mind on a thousand and one different things, all without skipping a beat... A skill that comes in handy in her job as Dread Leader. Likewise, one cannot discount the 'street smarts' she acquired during her rough adolescence on Mejerr. In all aspects of battle, Meia is exceptionally intelligent - in other things though, her excessive perfectionist tendencies may get in the way of her reasoning.

PERSONALITY: Meia progresses through various levels of maturity throughout the series, slowly warming up to her crew mates and realizing that she cannot stand alone. However, the bedrock will always remain the same: Meia is fiercely independent, with pride that will seldom if ever allow her to ask for help. She's justifiably confident in her abilities, and thus has trouble delegating her responsibilities to others. Don't look for much in the way of emotions either - Meia has gone on record as to saying they just get in the way. She values cool reason above all else as a decision making tool - but as I said, her pride and competitive instinct can get in the way. Meia's whole life has been about battle, and proving herself against the ghosts of her past... She's only begun to turn herself around and face the future instead.

COOKING: Don't count on it. Meia eats only when necessary, and hardly ever for pleasure. Still... she's a better cook than any male who grew up with pills for his meals. ^_^

FIGHTING SKILLS: An excellent pilot and hand to hand combatant (as the manga will attest to), Meia keeps herself in perfect physical condition for battle... In fact she never lets her guard down. That kind of uptightness and the mental fatigue it can at times bring about may be her only weakness...

SPECIAL ABILITIES: The only person capable of piloting her modified Dread to full capacity, and the only one able to cause it to unite with Hibiki's Bangatta to form Vandread Meia.

COMPETITION: Not a lot - Meia's aura tends to keep prospective suitors at arms length. Misty might have some interest, but that relationship is purely sisterly from Meia's point of view. As for Hibiki... what with all the adventures and revelations that he's gone through, it's hard to know if even he knows what he really wants - although he'd have to pry Dita off his arm before he could even begin to think of Meia in that way. Not an easy task that :)

IN LAWS: No worries - both are dead so far as Meia knows. Their ghosts however, weigh heavily upon her, and are the primary reason why her heart is closed to all others.

ECONOMICS: hard to tell - Magno's pirates seem fairly prosperous, but its difficult to determine how much of the loot a junior officer like Meia would get.

SEX: Um... Since no one's really had the courage to ask her, there are two possible ways this could go. One is that Meia has totally no knowledge of sex. The other is that, in her dark years as a juvenile delinquent on Mejerr, she gained her knowledge of it in all the wrong ways - at least with women. In either case one would have to overcome her strong resistance to sharing herself and losing control... All the more difficult if you're an 'alien' male. Once that's accomplished however, one could expect to have quite a reward.

OVERALL: Meia would be a difficult partner. A relationship is one of sharing with the other, of mutual dependence that is not weakness, but wholeness... However, for most of her life, Meia has had to stand on her own two feet. It would be very difficult for any man or woman to convince her that they should be trusted with her heart. If one is able to achieve that however, expect Meia to take great pains to make sure that she keeps herself from repeating the mistakes of her parents. She's already shown she can be great with kids once the barriers are down - it's no stretch that the same would prove true as a wife (or Ohma).

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NAME: Jura Basil Elden

LOOKS: This Mejeru gal is tall and blonde-haired. A classic example of a model, and quite developed as well, (age rears it's ugly head again) and sexy to boot. Her clothes show it. She also has green eyes.

SMARTS: She is Meia's replacement, but she isn't that good in tactics, since she wasn't trained properly in that aspect. I'd say she has an average intelligence.

PERSONALITY: Ever like a model, she is seductive, arrogant, and prideful. Always wanting to be the best and most beautiful, she hatches schemes to fulfil her plans. During the series, she doesn't develop much. She also tends to panic in hopeless situations.

COOKING: This is a mystery. ^_^ I think she eats low fat foods.

FIGHTING SKILLS: She can really fight with a sword! That's about all I know about that.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Her Dread can unite with Hibiki's Bangatta to be Vandread Jura, with powerful defensive capabilities.

COMPETITION: Not much. She is interested in Hibiki, but probably only to the point of being great, known, and beautiful. She was disappointed when her combination was a 'crab'. As with Barnette, I don't see it 'that' way.

IN LAWS: I don't see any. Jura's past is not revealed.

ECONOMICS: Since loot is split amongst the pirates, and there are 151 females and 3 males in the crew (and a robot), the divisions may not amount to much.

SEX: She wants to use a man's (Hibiki's) seed to make a baby. ^_^ Yet, she doesn't know how. On the other hand, Barnette is pretty close to her...

OVERALL: She doesn't make a good wife, but she may be able to manage if she lowers her pride and stops acting so vain.

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NAME: Barnette Orangello

LOOKS: She has a very well-endowed, slender, slim body. Green hair and purple eyes add an exotic twist to her. I'd say she is very attractive.

SMARTS: She has a good knowledge of guns and takes the task of weapons supply for Gasco. However, she was a little quick to judge about men and started a whole riot. I'd say a bit above average.

PERSONALITY: She seems to be kind and caring, as seen when she takes over for Gasco and tries to help Hibiki. She seems like the type to go out of her way for a friend, possibly taken advantage of (or maybe that's only for Jura). She can get a bit jealous, as can be seen from when she adds hot sauce to the food that Jura wants her to make for Hibiki. Can be a little impulsive and is somewhat of a take charge person.

COOKING: She seems to be skilled at cooking.

FIGHTING SKILLS: In a Dread fight, she can be considered good backup to the more powerful Vandreads. She is very skilled with guns. She'd be good to have should an occasion arise while walking around on foot.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: She makes a pretty good stand-in for Gasco and is good with guns and a Dread. Very helpful should some kind of unseen emergency arise.

COMPETITION: She and Jura seem to have something going on. Whether it's platonic or intimate is unknown (seems pretty intimate). Jura seems more preoccupied with Hibiki, so something may be possible. This also explains why she gets upset with Jura. Jura is only looking out for herself and Barnette fells like she is just sort of in the backseat, tagging along without any say.

ECONOMICS: The loot gets split up, so it's unknown whether she gets paid well or just scraps.

SEX: Her outfit is quite suggestive so she may be a bit flirtatious. She has the sensitivity of a regular woman, so one should be kind to her. If one treats her right, it would come eventually.

OVERALL: Overall, Barnette is a very attractive woman with a love for guns. While sometimes a little hasty in action, she is someone who will help out someone in need. She can also cook and provide protection with her gun skills. She would probably like a good portion of control in the household. She would be a good wife to a woman who doesn't mind letting her be the man of the relation and for a man, she would like some control. The romance and caring would have to be there as well.

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NAME: Magno Vivan

LOOKS: Judging from her facial features, one would be hard-pressed to guess her true age of a hundred and eight years. Despite being over a century of age, her complexion is fairly smooth, with a smile and glint in her eyes that one rarely finds in elders of her age. Still, much of Magno's appearance are covered by layers of robe-like clothing for the entirety of the series. Stature-wise, age has stooped her a bit, yet she walks with a spring of one decades younger than her age. Don't expect much makeup or accessories either. One could only theorize that women come to care less for such fancies with age, but Magno certainly has no need for them -- we get to see a headful of golden-blonde hair in one of the episodes, with not even a single strand of grey hair in sight. How does she manage it?!

SMARTS: Being the commander of a pirate group does say quite a few things of Magno's resourcefulness. The pirate matriarch rarely indulges in brainstorms, preferring to trust her crew to such tasks, but she is a shrewd thinker in herself. The true area of her smarts lie not in tactical strategizing on battle fronts, but in her people and social skills, and the fierce loyalty of the pirate crew to their leader is a more than sufficient testament to that fact.

PERSONALITY: In a nutshell, Magno always when to do or say what. While it isn't very noticeable, Magno lives for others, much the same way Meia does, save that the pirate matriarch is infinitely more adept at tackling her own feelings and striking a balance. Surprisingly good-humoured and approachable, Magno nonetheless knows when to get harsh, and against who. Supporting the pirate group through her amazing mix of perseverance, tact, belief in hope, strength of will and an ever-ready dose of sharp, inspirational talk just when its needed, Magno projects the impression of a kindly, wise grandmother, yet is far more an enigma even than Meia at what she holds dear to herself in her heart.

COOKING: Come to think of it, I can only recall ONE occurrence in the entire series of Magno eating anything, much less cooking. Still, if the other females are any standards to go by, Magno would, most assuredly, possess at least some basic culinary skills in the kitchen, enough to prevent her from starving.

FIGHTING SKILLS: Dude, she's over a century old and afflicted with heart problems, near as I can tell. Nevertheless, the walking stick DOES come in handy on several occasions, usually for delivering a few sharp whacks to a certain blonde, male helmsman... XD XD

SPECIAL ABILITIES: I don't know if this counts, but for me, being able to have 153 crewmen to pledge their undying fealty for you sure is something beyond even the ability to pilot the flashiest of mechas. :D

SEX / COMPETITION: I decided to group these two categories together, because they generally require the same advice to my dear readers who value their sanity -- DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.

IN-LAWS: Well, this is definitely a plus. Being a hundred and eight years of age certainly leaves potential suitors free from the plague of in-laws. None to worry about, in other words.

ECONOMICS: Hard to tell. Money doesn't seem to be a topic for the pirates, as far as the series is concerned. Still, given their efficiency, one would expect the pirate leader herself to be rolling in cash, but having to fund her ship, crew and home base would most likely take its toll, however limited. Magno appears to not lavish in excessive riches, whether for lack of it or for the virtue of moderation is unknown, though I'd put my bet on the latter.

OVERALL: Natural or otherwise, Magno is a leader, and a great one at that. Personally its hard for the author's limited imagination to picture the pirate matriarch in a relationship with anyone, given the age and emotional barrier, as well as her apparent lack of interest for any of the males aboard the Nirvana, but hey... who knows? [In other words, I just typed this for the heck of it, dammit! :P]

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