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New Chapter (FINALLY!)
I know it's been a while, but Chapter 3 is finished. I didn't have much time to get it up here quicker because of school and work. The next two chapters are finished, I just need to make sure that they are gramatically correct and stuff like that. I'll have them up soon. Til then, enjoy Chapter 3!


Links Fixed!
Okay, all the links on the home page should take you somewhere now. And Chapter 3 still isn't quite done yet!


Site Design
Thought the site could use a little makeover. It doesn't look too different, but it looks better than before. As far as links go, the Updates, Fanfic, and Disclaimer links are the only working links right now. I'll fix the rest in a day or two. Chapter 3 is coming along, but it's somewhat long. I hope to have it up this week, by the weekend at the latest.


Chapter 2 is up!
I finally got Chapter 2 up! I'm sorry it's so short, but there really wasn't much to cover there. Chapter 3 will be longer. ^_^

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