
WE'RE BACK! The staff has flourished in number and telent, and we're better than ever! We have brand new sponsors and updates will be much more frequent. Please start sending your requests for what you'd like to see over the summer. We'll do all we can!

It seems our S.S.O.S. project has paid off! SOS has finally had a major update in which they give a full list of places where Sailor Moon will once again be on television. To our knowledge, episodes 1-82 only will be shown at this time. Thank you to all who supported us, and SOS!


Neo Queen Tori and Sailor Kelly's Usagi and Mamoru Shrine will soon be celebrating it's 1st Birthday! ^_^ We are so greatful to all the fans of our site that made it possible to get this far. The new staff members and even the ones who've been there from the start have been such a great help. And now, for your enjoyment, the Usagi and Mamoru Shrine is back in full swing!

This is great! SOS has finally given us some valuable information. Sailor Moon at least now has a stepping stone to use to get back on Cartoon Network.

Well, that's it for now! E-mail us at and send us any news or opinions that you want on our site. We need the feedback! And don't forget to go to the Important Updates page. Thanks!

*~Neo Queen Tori~*
*~Sailor Kelly~*