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Welcome to the Trigun page, one of my new favs in the anime world....Vash is God. ^_^ Well any-e-ways peoples, Trigun is a gun shooting anime with lots of laughing your ass off moments...and a strange little big-eyed black cat that is in **every** episode. Vash the Stampede is the main character, and is one of the most dangerous men alive with a Six Billon Double-Dollar Bountry on his head, dead or alive. But in reality Vash is just a wandering hero trying to live his life with the ideal of love and peace, and always looking for his next donut. So how could this poor soul get such a bad rep? Well it might have something to do with the fact that he destroyed an entire city within just one night or the fact that he has a weapon that could end the human race....well just maybe...


~Character Information~

