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Anime Quotes

Here are some great anime quote that I have picked up along the way.

Rurouni Kenshin
"Oro?" -Kenshin

"A sword is a weapon. Swordsmanship is learning how to kill. That is the truth. What Kaoru-dono says is play-talk that only those who have never stained their hands can say. However, I prefer Kaoru-dono's play-talk more than the truth, de gozaru." -Kenshin

"The weak are food for the strong, so die and let me feast!" -Shishio

"Aku Soku Zan" -Saitou

"You wanted me to give you words of pity before you check out!" -Saitou

"You stupid idiot apprentice!" -Hiko

"I remember when you were 8 years old and you wet your bed. Or that time you were starving and you ate those funny mushrooms. After all the years of training and free food I gave you this is how you repay me!?!" -Hiko about Kenshin

"! Death and poverty like me so much they brought friends!" -Vash

"LOOSE RUTH: Where are you going?

VASH: To the potty, sir!"

Cowboy Bibop
"Most thinks work better when i kick 'em..."

Faye: "And how long were you in there listening?"

Spike: "Too long, your story needs editing."

"Wait I'm not a criminal!...Whoa, that makes me sound even more like a criminal"

Misc. Animes
"People who want to die, hurry up and die. You're wasting good air."-Dr.G (Gundam Wing)

"Shina, get in the glowing green square." (Shinesman)

Anime Movies
None at the moment. Gomen.