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Puu puu!

Somewhat Weirder than Your Usual Abnormal

Guidelines for proceeding into the Unknown...
(!)Please take off shoes before going any further.
(!)Absolutely no smoking or alcoholic beverages. However, you may help yourself to a variety of teas and cookies that will be served at the Palu Cafe.
(!)Refrain from obscenities as long as you're inside the hat.
(!)NO CLEMI FANS ALLOWED! (Clef fans will be tolerated, but don't say I didn't warn you...)
(!)There are 30 hours in a day. Why? Because my kawaii lil' stuffed tiger named Hobbes said so.


You approach this part of the hat with caution, as most likely this is your first time here, and first impressions last a long time. The receptionist is none other than Santa Clause (Hey, he's gotta do something during the off-season).
"Hi, I was wondering if I could have a tour of the hat, ne?" You ask nervously.
"Ho ho ho! We're closed for renovations, just like the rest of the site!" The old man laughs whole-heartedly.
"NANI? It can't be closed! It just can't be! I already took my shoes off for this!" You shout in dismay.
"Ho ho ho! Is that my problem?" Santa laughs once again, putting his huge feet up on the table.
"Hey, atleast you don't have to work here." A bright light flashed, and you think you are about to be summoned to Cephiro, but then realized the light is too red, too dim, and happens to actually be the nose of none other than Rudolph.
"Well, I guess this won't be such a loss... Can I get your autograph?" Rudolph relunctantly signs a piece of paper for you, and then gets back to mopping the floors.

You will soon end up in your local mental institution for trying to sell Rudolph's signature on E-bay, but you did get a nice shiny quarter from your doctor for it, so it wasn't all bads. THE END

Hey, guess what? Part of the hat has been constructed! Click below to enter the:
Palu Cafe
I am also planning on moving rayearth fanfiction here if I ever actually write or receive fanfiction for another series. For now, you can just go to the Fanfiction Lair by Marshmallow Teleport.

Wanna link me? By all means, go right ahead! Just please use the picture coveniently provided for you by me!