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                                      Ice Princess




Age The equivalent of 21 Earth years
Birthplace Asturia, Gaea
Family Grava Aston (father, king of Asturia), Therese (mother, queen of Asturia who passed away), Marlene (sister, first-born princess who passed away), Millerna (sister, third-born princess), Chid zar Freid (nephew, Marlene's son, heir to dukedom of Freid), Nueva (uncle, presumably King Aston's brother)
Affiliation Asturia
Debut Episode 7
Seiyuu Amano Yuri (also Naria's seiyuu)


When I first saw Eries (in 24th episode since I didn't watch it from the 1st episode first time) I thought that she is a nun... Then I read few fanfictions and started to like her. And when I finally saw her in episodes 7 and 8 I fell in love!

Lets face the facts: She is a minior character and therefore there aren't much informations nor pictures about her. Too bad because not only is she interesting as character but also very pretty. But then again if it wasn't so maybe she wouldn't be so mysterious as now and in the same less interesting? Maybe, maybe not...

Just let me warn you that following content contains SPOILERS!


When people hear that Eries is older then Millerna they often ask 'why isnt she the one to carry the crown? ' . That would be logical but Eries had given up on the crown. Why? Because to be a queen she must have a king, and since Eries is in love with Allen she doesn't want to marry someone else. King Aston didn't managed to marry her against her will but therefore she lost any right on the crown. Non of this is told in the show but that is explanation that director gave for this question.

Eries is young woman  who knows her place in society and is aware of her obligations. She is completly diferent from free spirited and carefree Millerna. She is strong.

Why is Eries important in the Escaflowne? Not only does she fills the gaps but also gives to the dramatic of the Escaflowne with her love story. If you ask me Eries could be described in the best way trough her realtionship with Allen. Therefore look at this as an introduction to the story of a platonic love of a Ice Princess.