Warnings/Disclaimer: "The Covenant", its characters, etc do not belong to me. It's from a Screen Gems film. I make no claim of ownership, nor am I making any profit off of this. It's just a fanfic.
Also... this story is YAOI. SLASH. And has some YURI in it, too. As in gay guys, gay girls. If you don't like that, get lost. Yaoi is pretty much all I write, otherwise you shouldn't be reading any of my fics in the first place.

Author's Notes: I was extremely disappointed when I saw "The Covenant". The story and characters had great potential, but the movie was all about effects. Poor plot, very little character development, despite the in-depth character descriptions on the official website.
So I decided to make myself feel better, I'd write a fanfic.. lol (Plus I could see little relationship hints/ideas bouncing all over the place)
So anyway, this takes place a little while after where the film left off.

"Away" by Breaking Benjamin

Cold am I
I'm beside myself
Because there's no one else
Have I grown
So blind
Only god could save you
If you knew your way to the light
So fly away
And leave it behind
Just stay awake
There's nowhere to hide

I see you
Cause you won't get out of my way
I hear you
Cause you won't quit screaming my name
I feel you
Cause you won't stop touching my skin
I need you
They're coming to take you away

Frail and dry
I could lose it all
But I cannot recall
It's all wrong
Don't cry
Clear away this hate
And we can start to make it alright
So fly away
And leave it behind
Return someday
With red in your eyes

I see you
Cause you won't get out of my way
I hear you
Cause you won't quit screaming my name
I feel you
Cause you won't stop touching my skin
I need you
They're coming to take you away

I see you
Cause you won't get out of my way
I hear you
Cause you won't quit screaming my name
I feel you
Cause you won't stop touching my skin
I need you
They're coming to take you away


    "Be careful what you wish for".
    I'm so sick of hearing that.
    I'm sure no one understands the meaning of that quite like we do.
    "Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it".
    Whenever I hear that cliche phrase, I think automatically of the Gifts we four share. I think of the Book of Damnation, of using, of Ascending. Of my father and Chase and what the Power did to them.
    I never really contemplated the weight that one simple phrase could emphasize on a relationship.
    Ties are not always as strong as you think they are. And some aren't as weak as you take them to be.
    Brotherhood, friendship, loyalty-- after awhile, you start taking these things for granted.
    Love, now... That's a different story. When it comes to what the body wants, what the heart needs, it's a whole other ballgame. People spend their whole lives seeking out a bedfellow, a soul mate, a person to fill that hole in their heart. Why were we designed this way? Social creatures longing for a person to "Complete" them. A person who can make them smile, make them laugh, make them feel as if they were the luckiest person alive. A person who can make you cry because you care too god damned much. A person who will catch you when you fall, pick you back up, make you think maybe life is worth living after all.
    Love, companionship. And sex, of course. Why do we need these things?
    It has to be God's idea of a joke.
    Because relationships, in all their forms, aren't always what they appear to be. Or what they're cracked up to be, for that matter.
    Sometimes you get what you think you wanted all along.
    And then you realize it isn't what you needed at all.
    You don't want to see it, but what you've needed has been there all along.
    Some people aren't strong enough to reach out and snatch it.
    Others will move mountains to claim it.
    I thought I had love, once. Was it the "foolishness of youth"? The desperate need to connect? Or just simple fun and lust?
    I walked through fire for her.
    I fought with everything I had for her.
    I bared myself to her, told her everything that I am.
    Because I was certain-- "this is the one".
    While all along fate was laughing at me.
    Laughing at me and murmuring...
    "Be careful what you wish for."

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