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Kodomo Ryu's

Hidden for centuries, it has stood tall and strong. Having withstood the tests of time and turmoil, it exists in a void outside of time's reach, defying her every attempt to enter.

Its empty halls lay softly carpeted in their thick blankets of dust into which only the footsteps of those who came before have been pressed. Each uninhabited room sits as it has for centures, touched by only the voices of those yet to come.

It is within this timeless void where yesterday never was and tomorrow never will be, that the Obsidian Tower rises to beckon all to walk its halls and explore its mysteries. And it is here that the past, present, and future become yours for the viewing.

You have but to open a door...

Tower Halls
Tower Wings
About the Author

Sailor Moon: Dark Earth
Sailor Moon: First Awakening
Fushigi Yuugi: The Amber Rose
The Dragon Chronicles

Special thanks go out to Nathan Smith, who despite our distance and falling out helped get the site up and running. If not for his skill when it comes to graphics, this page would never have gotten finished.