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Lone Knightress Hotaru's Anime Shrine

Welcome to my Shrine to Anime. I am Lone Knightress Hotaru, please enjoy your visit here! Have Fun! ^.^

Anime Fanfics
Sasu Hiasobu! (Down With Love!)

Here are some pages to look at:
Final Fantasy VIII
CardCaptor Sakura
Gundam Wing
Gundam Mechas
Sailor Moon
Final Fantasy VII
Links To Other Webpages

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kitsune_no_hikage got their Neopet at
Do you wish to adopt a Neopet like my Aishisei? Go ahead and get one by clicking on the 'Christmas Kougra' picture! ^.^

If you have any questions/comments for me, or any links you would like posted, feel free to drop me a line. Also, Please sign my guestbook. ^.^
