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HEY! i decided i should have just a place for links, so here's a bunch of links to all sorts o' places i like to go ^_^ just browse through here, go wherever, do whatever, you know, all that good stuff. ^_^
you can add links to my link list, but i have to approve of them first. thus, don't try and put up any links you know i wouldn't want up, it's a waste of my time.

~~note: the links above is the only list where you can add links~~


* Galaxy Angel
         Dreamland *

Cool Stuff for Your Site

Wantae and Friends
Dizzy Cafe
Sweet Dreams


-|| DAC NeoPets Guild ||-
The Ranma 1/2 Guild
~*~Dances With Wolves~*~

Cool Stuff

Wolf RP
AIM Buddy Icons
Ranma 1/2 Guild Site
Online Chats! RP & More!
Soul Requiem RP
Rhapsody RP