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Movie Lengths
Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Pikachu's Exciting Hide And Seek
The Pokemon Movie 2002
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Pokemon Crystal: Raiko's Legend of Thunder!

January 28, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Spiffy title banner thing added. Plus I changed the poll. Added that, mainly the whole site got renivated.

January 27, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Added Episode: Fly Proud Hoothoot! Return To Olivine!

January 26, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Sorry, I'm kinda not feeling good... lightheaded and eating a bit too fast doesn't help. I'll get the next episode once I feel a little better.

January 22, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Sorry if the movie five picture got changed into something that will probably get annoying, but I managed to make it not... It's a problem of mine that I encounter a lot. (the whole reason why I had a problem a week ago)

If you thought I was joking about quitting in the "About" section, I'm litterally not. That whole thing a week ago was pending that I was going to quit. So let me say this again before it really happens.
If you were here earlier, that statement was a bit stupid. But yes, I am serious.

January 21, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Having this many hits, well just decided to juice up a banner that I used to use back a while ago last summer at BMGf. Well just added one little node to it, so it's not much but I'll get Adobe or something sooner or later.

Thanks for your support.

What? I left another "treat". A new "user-friendly" layout, episode fixed, and the fourth movie synopsises revised!

January 20, 2002: Xeno Lugia
I'm suspecting a site that's been bending the rules a bit. Luckily, they haven't been getting any episodes, but I'm only suspecting the movie part. Until I can confirm this, I will not be able to write the fifth movie synopsis when that time comes. (it's still half a year away)

January 19, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Episode added - JP222: Agreement With Lugia!
Like the new layout?

January 17, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Thanks to a friend of mine, I was able to get a KoroKoro Comic book and able to find a picture of the new Pokemon shown in the fifth movie. Be advised... this will not only expose their names, but what they look like. (which I'm pretty sure you have an idea already)

Fifth Movie section has been opened for this purpose
January 15, 2002: Xeno Lugia
I'm a bit better now... so I got the episode in. Probably still in a etchy mood but otherwise, better.

January 12, 2002: Lynx
Xeno Lugia is a bit uncertain right now, not feeling well, etc. He couldn't write anything today becuase he was practically burned out from things been going on with him. Or should we just say stressed out? Actually he's been muttering that he may just stop doing this altogether if he can't take it. Judging from what's been going on, there are only stuff I just put in as a temp.

He's still seeing the anime in case he ever gets back, which is better than quitting altogether.

January 10, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Not much to say of an update, but I did manage to finish the rest of translating Aratanaru Chitai, not perfectly in the middle, but the other's seem to be accurate. (it doesn't make sense if I put it in the flat out English meaning so I had to fix it)

January 8, 2002: Xeno Lugia
Too many things to talk about... So just being with Happy New Year! (even though that was a week ago)

No, I didn't miss any episodes, so you can take a breather there. You still will get JP218, (unexpectantly up) JP219, and JP220. However, there is no happy parts where that goes. Some of you know that there was a Raiko Special that was airing in Japan on December 30, 2001. Apparently, due to my location at being in Okinawa, I didn't get it at that time. However, one place does happen to have some media if you're interested. (Anime Intro Archive) Expect the Raiko Special to air here sometime by March-July. I know that's a wide range but, hey, hope for the better.

Okay, a section maybe up, but I'm pulling your tail. It's just some lowdowns and the lyrics to the intro Aratanaru Chitai partially translated. (the rest wouldn't get any clear definition to me)

Sorry about a mistake I didn't catch ealier in the site, but the Episode Guides are now fixed.

December 16, 2001: Xeno Lugia
Renivated more episodes. As of now, I got around JP198-217 for episodes and Pikachu's Exciting Hide And Seek.

December 15, 2001: Xeno Lugia
Lots of stuff going on to do. I gotta back up the synopsis' and stuff again. Well it'll probably be a while but eh, that's the way things go. Not to mention that The Mozz at BMGf has found out that there is going to be a fifth movie. A trailer can be downloaded at though not very long, it stirs up the excitement.

Well it's a long break, but sure enough, everything's gonna be back online. (so as of today, I only got Celebi: A Timeless Encounter restored)

Bulletin Board

Okay, a "Ship" is the belief that two characters are in love with each other. Of course, the anime gives hints, but doesn't really admit it.

You're probably wondering why I have a hit counter in the fifth movie section in the first place. It's just my little thing of "I want to monitor that section's hits alone".

Merger possible. Hey... The movie five section has just almost half this site has! (That's about a person per two minutes)

Looks like I started working for Pokemon Plant, hey, more fun for everyone!

The Mozz apparently has been "joking" around with merging. I'll consider it, but not sure if that's a possibility or not. I'm probably abusing most of Lynx's (the owner of the parent directory) account. Eh, he isn't complaining.