Ryoko's Powers and Abilities


Using a gem on her wrist, she can form a red energy sword. It can be as small as a dagger or as long as a long-sword. She can weild this weapon as a quarterstaff, because there is no hilt or grip, allower her to hold it anywhere along it's length.

Energy Blast

Using the same energy as her sword, she can throw hundreds of energy darts as a weapon or focus it into one blast. Either way, not someone one wishes to be on the receiving end of.

Non-corporeal(ghost) Form

Ryoko has the ability to phase through solid matter as though it were not there, allowin her easy access to places or ways of sneaking up on other people. Also, she can carry things with her in this way.


Ryoko has the power to fly, giving her great freedom. She can fly in air or space unhindered.

Double Image

Ryoko can split herself into two mirror images of herself, so she can accomplish more things in the same amount of time, although she apparently uses alot of energy to do this.


Ryoko can survive in the vaccum of space as well as in air. She does not need food or water, though she likes to drink because she enjoys getting intoxicated.

Matter Control/Manipulation

Ryoko can animate an inanimate object (such as a stone pillar) in her own image to aid her. She can also create things out off nothingness, provided the plans exist somewhere. The floating Onsen is an example of this.

Demon Calling

With a gem on her left wrist, Ryoko can call a demon. However, to control the demon, she needs a gem on her right wrist, or the demon just causes general havoc.


As her body is made of different materials than most other beings, Ryoko can regenerate a lost body part.


Ryoko can teleport short distances, whether to avoid a fight, escape a fight she's losing or sneak up on someone.

Shield Barrier

Ryoko can create an energy barrier (invisible until struck) to protect herself and anything immediately behind from an attack/object.

Hair needles

If for some reason her legs and arms are pinned, and she can't do much else, Ryoko can throw blue energy darts from her hair.

Light Hawk Wings

Supposedly, Ryoko can create the Light Hawk Wings if she has all three gems. It is unknown how many, but it is speculated that she can create between 9 and 12 Wings.