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Welcome ot my Yu-Gi-Oh shrine. Here, you will find the pictures of Yugi Motto, Yami-Yugi, and Seto Kaiba. And, yes, although Yami is my favourite, I have more Yugi pictures to date.

Yugi (96)
Yami (73)
Kaiba (25)

Well, I may as well introduce myself, now, shouldn't I? I am Kaminera, your webmistress on this site. Call me Kamichan, I don't bite. Well, it all starts with my obsession of Yu-Gi-Oh! and the world of new obsessions it has made for me. So, enjoy the gallery, because that's all there is to this site, oh, and one more thing, as well...

Crimson Fate

This is a sister site full of useless things. I hope you enjoy fanfiction, and that you also enjoy writing it. Submissions are more than welcome there.

Also to come, is a rather stupid/sick bunch of Yugi pics that I will put together that are quite dirty. I hope you'll enjoy them!