Chapter 4: Sally sat down on her bed. Rotor stood by the door to her hut. And, in the corner against the window, Sonic leaned against the wall, eating a chili dog. The beams of light from the midnight moon streamed in through the window. "I don't know HOW you can eat those things at this hour," Rotor said to Sonic, shaking his head. "Hey, we gotta be thinking straight during an emergency meeting, and chili dogs are brain food!" Sonic said, holding the dog aloft in the air with his right hand as though it were Excalibur. "Besides," he said, continuing, "I had one major midnight munchie attack." "I still don't get it," Rotor said back. Now listen to me," Sally said. "What I'm about to say does NOT leave this room, got it? This is between the three of us, and that's as far as it goes. As far as anyone else is concerned, it never happened. I don't want anybody in the village worrying themselves over -- " "Over WHAT?!" Sonic managed to say between bites. Sally shot Sonic an annoyed look. "I do NOT want interruptions," she said with anger, and continued on. "Now, I've already showed you the ring. This is the letter that explains it," she said, waving the yellow, wrinkled peace of paper through the air. "According to this, the ancients buried this chest there millions of years ago. It was found and dug up about 150 years ago. Back when Knothole was originally settled." Sally noticed chili dripping onto the floor from Sonic's chili dog. She shot him another annoyed look. "What?" Sonic asked, as though shocked and hurt. "What?" Sally sighed, and again continued, "it was then that the significance of the ring was discovered. Each of these seven hexagon-shaped holes," she said, poking her right forefinger through one of them, "is meant to hold one of the chaos emeralds. Now, this ring is black. There is another, somewhere on Mobius, that's white. If the chaos emeralds are placed into the white ring, the power of the emeralds can be united for good. But if placed into this black ring, their power can be united for evil. This is known because, after the chest was dug up 150 years ago, someone placed one emerald into the ring. He became possessed by evil and killed two people before he was stopped. And that was with just ONE emerald. That was when this letter was written. As a warning." Sonic and Rotor stared at the ring, fear in their eyes. Sonic spoke up, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You mean to tell MOI that there's SEVEN chaos emeralds on Mobius?" Sally nodded grimly. Sonic dropped his chili dog onto the floor in astonishment. Sally glared at him. "You're picking that up, you know" she said in a rather angry tone. Sonic looked down upon his lost snack with sadness. "Aw, man... " he muttered. All fear left Rotor's eyes, and he chuckled to himself. "So what do we do with it? Bury it again?" asked Sonic. "But where could we put it that we'd be sure no one would find it?" asked Rotor back. "How about underneath Ant's hairpiece?" Sonic suggested with a sly smile. Rotor chuckled again. "No... " Sally said coldly, sounding as though her mind were distant, staring at the ring. "I'll take care of it." "No offense Sal, but are you COMPLETELY out of your mind???" Sonic shouted. Rotor shushed him. "That thing is really dangerous! What're you gonna do, shove it under the bed?" Sonic asked, quieter now. "Don't worry, I can handle it," she said. "And you both are dismissed." Sonic and Rotor glanced at each other. Rotor shrugged, and they both walked out, heading back to their huts to get back to sleep. Outside Sally's hut, on all fours underneath her window sill, Tails stared straight ahead, petrified by what he had just heard. He was about to get in bed after arriving back home when he had seen that Sally's light was still on in her hut. And when he later saw that Sonic and Rotor had come over to talk to her - at this hour of the night- he knew that something was up. That's when he had snuck over to the window sill to listen in. Then he heard something. A voice. "Miiiileeessss... " It was coming from inside the hut. Tails got up on his knees and peeked over the windowsill. Sally was on the other side of the room now, her back to the window, but the ring was lying on a table right next to the window sill. And was whispering Tails' own name to him. How did it know his name? It was as if it had just pulled Tails' name right out of his mind. Tails turned and ran.