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Heh, Kaiba may not like to talk much, but when he does speak, he has a lot to say! ^^ You'll probably notice an abundance of dialogue from Duel with a Ghoul on this page; I know that episode almost front and back! ^_~ What's more, his computer ROCKS!!! ^^

Computer: I thought I'd seen it all. But havin' to break into your own house?!
Kaiba: It's too long a story for right now.
Computer: Too long a story! Well, maybe I'm not in such a talkative mood either.
Kaiba: I'd find that hard to believe.
Computer: Such a smart guy.
---from Duel with a Ghoul

Kaiba: He [Pegasus] won't win. Yugi is unbeatable. His deck has Exodia!
Computer: Yeah, well, sometime after you lost to Yugi, he lost Exodia!
Kaiba: What?! No way!
Computer: When it rains, it pours.
---from Duel with a Ghoul

Kaiba: I'm not going to give up Kaiba Corporation without a real fight. It's takeover time---by me!
---from Duel with a Ghoul

Kaiba: It should be a piece of cake to find the field in which Yugi's dueling.
Computer: I'm lookin', I'm lookin'! . . . ACCESS DENIED!
Kaiba: ! What did you do wrong?!
Computer: Don't blame me. I finally found the security, and it's all around Yugi's data!
Kaiba: I should've known. **smirk** Fine by me. Pegasus . . . go ahead and give it your best shot. There's not a computer anywhere in the world that I can't break into. Here's the thing: every computer has a back door if you know where to look!
---from Duel with a Ghoul

Kaiba: Pegasus thinks he can make all the rules in this game. But he could've never imagined this brand new twist---I'm back!
---from Duel with a Ghoul

Kimo: Well, if it isn't the famed Seto Kaiba!! Lookin' for your brother, no doubt! You're comin' with me!! **tries to attack**
Kaiba: **retaliates and gets the upper hand!!** Actually . . . you're coming with me!
---from The Paradox Brothers, Part 2

Kimo: Don't you think we should ring the bell?
Kaiba: I think you should shut your mouth and open the door!
---from The Paradox Brothers, Part 2

Kaiba: I asked you to take me to Mokuba, not on a tour! It's endless!
Kimo: These tunnels are honeycombed all over the island. If you tried to navigate them yourself, you could get lost down here for years!
Kaiba: Don't get any ideas!!
Kimo: Look, Slim, I'm a lot bigger and stronger than you. You only got the jump on me before 'cause you snuck up and took me by surprise! What's to keep me from spinnin' around right now and knockin' your . . .
Kaiba: **grabs him threateningly** Try it and I'll drop you where you stand!!
---from The Paradox Brothers, Part 2

Kaiba: Just make your move!!!
Pegasus: Oh, but Kaiba-boy, that is my move!!
Kaiba: ?! Your move is a cartoon??!!!
Pegasus: Not just a cartoon, you simpleton! An entire cartoon WORLD! Welcome, Kaiba, to Toonworld! **evil grin** Let the fun begin!!
Kaiba: You must be kidding!!
---from Champion vs. Creator, Part 2

Pegasus: Behold, the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon!!
Kaiba: ! No! You've stripped him of his pride!!
Pegasus: Oh please. I've transformed this legendary beast into his most supreme form! Also, I've made him look much more cuddly.
Joey: Of all the things the Blue Eyes is, cuddly sure ain't one of 'em!
Yugi: For once, I think Kaiba would agree!
---from Champion vs. Creator, Part 2

Kaiba **groans and opens his eyes. He's chained to the wall** Where am I?
Witty Phantom **rising from the floor** You're with me, Seto Kaiba!
Kaiba: ! Witty Phantom?! You took me prisoner in my own game??!
Witty Phantom: Yes!
Kaiba: Then release me at once! I command you!
Witty Phantom: This is no longer your world to command. Your game's been reprogrammed. You're late to the party, Kaiba!
Kaiba: Gee, I never liked parties.
---from the Virtual Reality Saga, Part 2

Witty Phantom: Wake up, Kaiba! You programmed me to torment my prisoners, not let them sleep!
Kaiba: I guess you weren't my most inspired creation.
---from the Virtual Reality Saga, Part 3

Kaiba: When you speak to my brother that way, you dishonor me and this tournament. Besides, I have very little patience for bullies.
---from Yugi vs. Arkana, Part 1

Mokuba: So how 'bout it, big bro?
Kaiba: Whatever.

Discussing whether to allow Téa, Duke, Tristan, and Serenity onto the Battle Ship, from episode #81, in which the Finals begin!

Tristan: I have this urge to yell "Bingo"!
Duke: Go ahead. I'll laugh.

Discussing the Finalists' number generator thingie, also from episode #81!

Joey: **thinking** I'm gonna be famous, baby!
**His cards go flying everywhere and he has to run to catch them, even grabbing one in his mouth.**
Duke: Hey, Joey, you might actually want to hold on to your cards for this duel!
Serenity: He needs support! **calls** Nice catch, big brother!
**Everyone else anime falls.**
Joey: **thinking** Note to self: Beware of gusty winds! What was Kaiba thinkin', holding the duel up here?! **aloud** Now, where was I?
Odion/Rishid: Acting like a fool.

Joey being prideful and, hence, suffering a downfall XD Tee hee. From episode #86, Joey vs. Odion, part 1!

Joey: The game is called Duel MONSTERS!! You're supposed to play MONSTERS, and not hide behind your traps!!
Odion/Rishid: If you can find me the rule forbidding me from playing trap cards, I will stop, Mr. Wheeler.

LOL! Gotta luv that Odion. "Mr. Wheeler." So cute! ^____^ What a polite guy ^^ **ahem** Anyway, this is from episode #86 as well!

Thanx to Feisty_Angel for these pix! ^^