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The Great Mysteries of Yu-Gi-Oh!

Mystery #1: Who is Seth?!

Who is the ancient Egyptian priest known as Seth? Ask a group of fans and you'll get all kinds of assorted answers.

Ask me, and I'll tell you that Seth is Seto Kaiba's ancestor, for two reasons---First, I don't believe in reincarnation, and second, I don't like to think of Kaiba ever being evil like Seth was! ^_~ Seth is creeepy!!

Kaiba doesn't like the guy either! He said to Isis: "You can't compare him to me!!" I agree ^^ Seth is not like Seto Kaiba. Sure, he may look like him, but for Pete's sake, how else are people gonna know they're related?! They often do episodes on TV shows where the characters' ancestors are shown, and they havta resemble their modern-day descendants!

Yes, I know Ishizu says that Kaiba was Seth in ancient Egypt. Ishizu could be wrong, you know, and I say that she definitely is! ^_~ I mean, jeepers, all she's basing her idea on is that Seto and Seth look similar, both are rivals to the Pharaoh, and both love the Blue-Eyes White Dragon! That isn't really very conclusive.

Mystery #2: Where is Bakura from?!

Exactly what nationality is this sweet, silver-haired boy? He has a very thick accent that isn't easily placed!

I'd be more inclined to say that he's British, due to his usage of British expressions (i.e. "Good show!") and the fact that his accent usually sounds British, but occassionally he seems like an Aussie ("Tristan, thanks for cheerin' me up, mate!"). Also, his very name sounds a bit Australian to me, and before you call me crazy, just stop and think about it for a minute! ^_~

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Mystery #3: Who is the "Ghost" or "Evil" Kaiba?!

Again, this picture is from the UK Yu-Gi-Oh! Fansite ^^

The most popular belief here is that the evil Kaiba used to be part of Kaiba himself, at least until Yugi opened Kaiba's mind and banished the evil influences in The Heart of the Cards. The other belief is that the evil Kaiba was an evil spirit possessing the real Kaiba. While not as widely accepted, this belief, too, has its followers.

I tend to lean more toward the popular belief here, but tell me what you think! ^^ I'm always open to interesting thoughts ^_~ And now that I think about it, the second belief makes sense too, when you consider some of the things I've heard that Kaiba did in Season 0 (the one never shown in America), such as punishing Mokuba for losing the game to Yugi. Come on! The real Kaiba would NEVER do that!! Maybe the Evil Kaiba really was an evil spirit that possessed our Kaiba!

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